When I posted on Ravelry and said it’s been about half a century since I did any crochet . . I really felt old but it’s true. I learned in high school. Then I did do a couple of the crocheted names but I think that’s called “filet crochet” but it’s still basically crochet.
There’s an ESK badge for crocheting a project and one for felting a project. I have no interest in either but this year, we’re having to work for those badges so I figured I can’t rule anything out. I must try to get all the badges I can get.
I found a pattern for a crocheted badge – College Tote. It’s crocheted and felted . . two badges/one project. I always think I can do more than I can really do but I was thinking . . Addie’s unicorn sweater is yarn that will felt. I could always take the leftovers and make her a tote bag to match her sweater. . . a project for a later date.
How hard can crochet be? I did it once . . I can do it again. I grabbed some Cascade 220 yarn, which I know will felt.

Did the 55 stitch chain. Piece of cake. I’ve done chain stitches for various things through the years. Next, single crochet. I remembered how to do that . . I thought.

After 6 stitches, I thought . . there’s no way I’m going to get 55 stitches on this little shaft. Youtube to the rescue. Now I am doing it correctly!
Erin Bennett says
Good for you! I just started to learn again after not doing it since college! So many moons ago! I am learning and doing the temperature blanket by crochet I decided! UTube to the rescue!!
Joyce says
Looks like you’re trying to do the afghan stitch or tunisian crochet. You Tube to the rescue! (How did we ever survive before Google and You Tube? LOL)
Stephani in N. TX says
I saw your friend Denise was crocheting a project that looked really pretty. Funny that you have the urge to crochet at the same time. Good thing about most knitting magazines these days, they also have crochet instructions in the back where they show knitting instructions. Sometimes I just need a photo or description to get my stitch correct. I usually try to avoid single crochet since it doesn’t provided any height and gets monotonous to me. But sometimes I have to do a few or a slip stitch and I’m glad I can reach for a quick reference. Thank goodness too for You Tube.
Judy Laquidara says
I think it’s more about earning the crochet badge that has us both doing a crochet project! 🙂
My bag is going to be felted so the stitching needs to be rather close. For the sides of the bag, I have to do at least 14″ of single crochet. That will be a good project for traveling or visiting with Addie so as soon as I get the sides started, I’m sticking it in a bag in the car.
Bon says
Have you seen that 11 year old boy crocheting? He has YouTube videos, FB page and Instagram. I think his name is Jonah.
cassews says
Gotta love Youtube for all of the instructables on it.
Judy Domke says
How funny is this. Just tonight I ordered a new crochet book!
Lee says
I’ll take crocheting over knitting any day! I learned crochet when I was young, and crocheted a pair of seafoam green and brown lace-up boot-style slippers in home-ec in high school. I’ve often wished I’d kept that pattern! My first “quilt” (more correctly ‘patchwork’) was a crocheted blanket from a lot of different acrylic yarns back in the late 1970s. I still use that blanket, it’s warm, maybe I’ll be buried with it, lol. It was more a challenge to teach my former sis-in-law how to crochet left-handed. She was a leftie and I’m not, I’m somewhat ambidextroush, but still, a challenge. I love how you jump right into things 🙂
Pat McGuire says
If you had a Tunisian crochet needle you could have continued as you were doing. I’ve just been learning the beginning stitches of Tunisian on Craftsy
dezertsuz says
=) I remember perfectly how to do it, but it hurts now. See, I could have stopped at physically 40 and still been crocheting!