Today I will soak and block the Aziz Shawl.

The pattern said to carry the threads up the side but where the green rows are, I felt like that was too long to carry the threads so I cut the threads. It seemed like a million threads to weave in. Most of them I wove in a little as I was knitting but there were plenty more to be woven in.

It’s done now . . all except for the soaking and blocking.

Another one finished! And all this yarn came from the stash. That kinda makes up a little for the new yarn that arrived yesterday . . to me but Vince probably doesn’t think about it like that!
Denise Ramsay Porter says
Glad you had enough yarn to finish it!
LaVonne Parizek says
You finished the shawl, but did you finish the book? Book review, please!
That is the book I was listening to while quilting. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Nelle Coursey says
You can convince him!! Tell him it would cost him a whole lot more if you had to buy the things you make and you are also saving tons of money not having to buy Christmas presents, etc.
Jean says
I really really like those colors together!
Kay L Ford-Sollimo says
Save those cut yarns for the bluebirds for nest building. Yarn is eco friendly.
Judy Laquidara says
For the birds, it has to be cut into such tiny, tiny pieces to keep the strings from wrapping around their legs. I save those scraps and intend to go over and cut them with the rotary cutter but I don’t usually do it.
dezertsuz says
And you had enough yarn, I presume!