It must be a cat thing to want to be where he isn’t supposed to be. There are two closets in the sewing room and they’re both off limits to Boots. One has fabric. One has quilts, batting, and other things I don’t want him on. No matter where he is, he knows the sound of one of those doors opening and he’s like a flash of lightning going in there.
Today I had to go into one of the closets. Usually, I’ll pick Boots up and hold him when I go in one of those closets. Today he was sleeping and I thought I could get in and out without him even noticing. Wrong.

Boots in the Closet
He’ll usually come out after a while but today, he stayed up there for hours! Why does he want to be where he knows I don’t want him to be?
At least I now know where my favorite Christmas quilt is located!
Wendy says
Our cat is the same way. Whenever the door to the storage room is open – she’s in there like a flash.
Paula says
Fiona is able to open ground level cabinets and drawers all by herself. Sometimes unintentionally barricades herself in the bathroom by opening the bottom drawer so the door can’t open!
Katie says
Looks like it’s Boots’ favorite quilt too? My cats all like to be up high and I, too, have one that can be dead asleep, but comes flying from nowhere when the linen closet is opened!
Robin Crittenden says
Some cats are ground cats some tree cats. Mine love to get as high as they can except for 2 who stay on the ground
Sheri Berger says
Who wouldn’t want to sleep on a stack of cozy quilts? Boots is smart!