Speck is now 15-1/2 years old. No matter how optimistic we are, he isn’t going to be with us that much longer. I’ve told myself that when the time comes to say goodbye to Speck, it would be easier since we now have Rita, but apparently I was very wrong.
Last night Speck got up from his pillow and kinda staggered and then stood still for the longest time. I said to Vince . . I don’t know what he’s doing. Speck is a bit confused lately. He seems to not be sure about his surroundings but after a while, it dawns on him where he is and who we are. But last night, he just seemed lost.
He went to bed and this morning, as always, I tapped him on the head to wake him up. As always, it was just a gentle pat on the head but he squealed like I had hurt him. Then he couldn’t walk. Just stood very still . . shaking. He finally made his way to the door, went outside and did his business, came in and ate but was moving very, very slowly. He was obviously hurting and I had some pain pills prescribed for him from a previous issue so I gave him one of those about 6 a.m. and that seemed to help a little.
I told Vince I would take him to the vet and I asked Vince . . if I have to make THAT decision, are you ok with not being there and Vince said yes, he couldn’t be there today and he didn’t want to see Speck go on in the condition he was in this morning. Before Vince left to to go work, he got down on the floor and said his goodbyes . . told Speck he had been a good dog .. and that’s when I started crying and couldn’t stop. So much for having Rita making this easier . .
I called the vet as soon as they opened and they told me to bring him in. I told the vet I had given him the pain meds before bringing Speck in. The vet felt like he is having pain in his neck and right shoulder. Speck tried to nip at him when he was gently moving Speck’s head. The vet said his heart is still very strong. He still eats and has no problems with other body functions but has some joint issues. I can relate to that!
The vet gave him a shot for pain and one for inflammation and sent us home with two different meds and Speck, though terribly confused from the pain pill I gave him and the shots the doctor gave him, seems to be resting comfortably. He normally sleeps in the living room during the day on two pillows that are stacked but I separated the pillows so he’s not jumping up or down.
For those of us who are pet lovers, they bring so much joy and fun to our lives but the thought of losing them, and it’s inevitable, is so darned painful.
I’m happy for more time with Speck . . so long as he isn’t in terrible pain so I’m anxious to see what the meds do for him.
Vince called to check on him and he was happy to hear the news. This may be the first time he didn’t ask me how much money I spent at the vet!
Laura Valdez says
It is soooo hard to lose pets. They are so much a part of the family. This was not our year…we lost our 14 year old cat in January, 12 year old dog in February and the bird couldn’t be alone and we lost him in April. Nope, we are not getting any more. The pain is too much. Though at times I see a cat or dog and think its time, then I give myself a day and that feeling goes away. Just not time.
JudyL says
We say the same thing but I’m not sure we’ll ever be pet-free. But, when the time comes, and the right pet comes along, you’ll know it and if that never happens, then I would just figure that’s how it’s meant to be.
I can’t imagine losing all three pets in that time frame. Bless you!
Denise in PA says
Oh, Judy I was teary along with you! I’m so glad you will have some more time with Speck. Our Lilly is 10 now and we can’t even bear to think of when she’s gone. Hugs.
Debbie in Wa. says
Judy and Vince,
I am so sorry that Speck is not doing good. Sit with him in his quiet time and enjoy every moment possible. We lost our boy over 8 years ago, he lived a very good and spoiled 17 years.
As others have said, they are part of the family and could never be replaced. We have found that out too.
Myra Ungerman says
Our family had a mini Schnauzer named Spencer. He jumped and barked his sweet way into all our hearts like no other dog has ever done before. He lived 14 years and we went through hell with him. He had a back injury, then he had bladder stones that caused him to have UTI’s all the time (urinary tract infections). Then, he got so awfully sick that we took him to the specialist and he had to operate because his gallbladder had swollen to 5 times normal size. He was in ICU for 3 days and they really didn’t expect him to live. The last 3 years of his life we kept him alive by doing a subq lactated ringers solution (about 1500cc’s) every day. My husband and I never missed a day. When he passed, all of us were so cut up that we still haven’t got another and it’s been 3.5 years. Pets make a huge difference in your lives. We have his paw prints, we had a tombstone made, we have his ashes. This for a 16 pound wonderful addition to our family. I really don’t know how much he cost us, I don’t even care to add it up because it doesn’t matter. We will always love Spencer.
Diann says
We had the same with out 15 1/2 yr. old male cat Boots in June. The maybe fix was to be $1350 which we didn’t have but vet said he probably would not survive being put to sleep for the operation. He was in pain so had to let him go. I cried forever. Then just a few days ago out female cat of the same age got poorly and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Vet said extremely sick and cancer. Another goodbye. I’m numb. We can’t take the goodbye part. Our house is like a tomb and we miss them both so. Rounded up all the food, litter pans, feeding dishes, pet beds, cat toys……everything and took to the Humane Society to donate. Our last pets. Can’t do that ever again. Too sad. I love reading about Speck and so sorry he’s unwell and love your other pets too. Sorry..ours were strays and picked us when kittens.
Carolyn says
The thought of losing a family member is always heart wrenching. I think the kindest words my vet ever spoke was the last day I took Pooh, my black poodle, to him. We knew he had a leaky heart valve from previous visits. I knew it was time to make that dreaded decision. The vet only verified what I already knew. His words were spoken with love and kindness and were….”We have the option with our pet family that we don’t have with our human family in that we can be kinder and keep them from suffering.” He and I both agreed it was time and yes, Pooh will always and forever being in my heart. It was a promise I made to him that day in May almost ten years ago. Trust me…you and Vince will know when it’s time and you won’t allow him to suffer in pain.
Deb P says
I had to stop reading and walk away after “I called the vet” to prepare myself for what was coming. Those decisions are SOOO hard to make and I am glad it is not quite time yet. Love him up for the time you have him. I have had pets all my life and have loved them but we have a special girl now, Lucy, that I am crazy about and she is now 12. She was a mill mama rescue and heaven only knows the life she lived then but now it is the best of everything for her. I know my heart will break when it is her time. I am sending hugs and thoughts for all of you!
Dottie N. says
Thinking of you and Vince……glad Speck is better and am hoping you have a lot more time with him…..our pets are part of our family and bring us so much comfort and joy – it’s so very, very hard when we know that our time with them may not be very long. Cyber hugs.
Alycia says
Sending Speck hugs ( and you!) my dog has gone deaf and it is so tough on her, it makes us sad.
Theresa says
Speck may pull through yet. I’ve got a beagle who is really showing his age, we almost lost him last spring. He had a mass on his spleen. It wasn’t cancer so we paid for the operation and he’s still hanging in there. But I did get teary eyed reading your post, nothing makes losing a dear friend any easier.
Sherrill says
The absolutely WORST part of owning a pet is knowing that we’ll most likely outlive them!! My cat is 13 and I’ve already told my son that I don’t know if I’ll be able to take him to the vet for that! I’ll be a big blubbering heap. So glad to hear Speck is still around!!
Donna says
My heart goes out to you. I had to put my 19 year old dog down about 8 years ago and I could still cry a river about it. I miss her everyday. My heart couldn’t take that again so I haven’t gotten another dog. We do have a cat that adopted us but I’ve not let myself get as close to him because I can’t have my heart hurt that hard again. I take care of him and play with him but not like I did my dog. I just can’t. Nuff said! Give Speck a head rub for me.
Darling Jill says
My Maisy was just diagnosed with arthritis and has been like a new dog since getting on the meds. I was worried about having to make that decision with her as well. I know making the decision with either of the M’s won’t be easy even with Lula there to give some comfort. Big hugs, Judy!! To you and Vince!
Sue in Scottsdale, AZ says
Judy, I am so sorry to hear that Speck isn’t doing well. I know very well what you are going through. Several years ago we lost 4 dogs over a period of about 8 months – one to a stroke, one to cancer, one to old age, and one to a heart condition. We swore not to get more but we are now back up to 5 dogs – all rescues. Our animals are our kids and we give them the best part of us while we can. I know that you will do right by Speck and not let him suffer. This is the probably one of the hardest decision we will ever have to make and yet, for our pets, it is probably one of the best. Please wrap you, Vince, and Speck with this great big hug from me (((((( )))))). All my love to you all.
Susan says
It doesn’t seem he could be that old. Time is so quick. I’m glad he has a reprieve, and you and Vince will enjoy his company a little longer.
Terri S. says
We’re wrestling with that decision now. Our 9 year old Shi-Tzu is nearly blind, has seizures, and skin allergies that sometimes drive her crazy. The hardest part is when she is obviously afraid because she forgets where in the house she is, and she gets very anxious and barks and barks until we go get her and calm her down. I’m going to have to be the one that takes her in, because my husband is just not able to, so it’s always been my job with all of our pets. Just when I think it’s time, she rallies a bit and we think maybe not yet, but the day is coming. It’s one of the hardest things to do and every time I say no more pets, because I’m not doing this again. But we’ve always had pets, and somehow, despite my resolve, we always end up with another one!!
Pam says
My 11 year old Boykin Spaniel sends tail wags to Speck. Hugs to you.
Linda in NE says
Getting old isn’t easy for either our pets or us. I had to make the decision about our 15 yr. old kitty this past summer. I’ve said no more pets, but I suppose if the right one showed up at the door and claimed us that might change.
Our son’s family is going through the decision making right now with their little dog. She’s still alert, eats well and her heart & organs are strong, but she has a real problem with her neck & spine and now there are bone spurs growing that give her pain and press on nerves causing her to have seizures and be unable to control her limbs. If she falls over she just struggles and can’t get back up. So sad. They know the time is coming soon.
Dianne S. says
You all have been in our prayers today! I was in tears this morning when you sent the message. I’ve been anxious all day to hear the updates. I sat and loved on my two a little more today. These fur babies become such a big part of our lives. Even though people have never met Speck, he is special to all and loved by many!
Evie H says
Ooooh, I feel your pain. I put down my Annie last Halloween and I’m still hurting. I cried just reading your tale. My sympathies and prayers for you and Speck.
Diana G says
I feel your pain, joy and happiness. We had a poodle for 18 years and had to put him down due to kidney failure. We just couldn’t see him living a year longer for our selfish needs/wants. Then it was 7 years before we got another dog and she is a rescue (not sure who rescued who !LOL).
Its ever so hard to let go as the heart wants to keep them around forever; but we know as humans the pain is not what a beloved furbaby needs to go through.
Continued success for his rehab !!!
AmyM says
Yes, this is the time all pet lovers dread. I am glad Speck came home for whatever time he has. And hope the meds improve him.
We said goodbye to our wonderful 14 year old cat, Max, this summer.. and it just hurts, no two ways about it.
We do have Kelsey, also 14, and it was helpful to have her to think about, but does not change the sadness.
Let us know how he is tomorrow, please.
Kristin says
I went through a situation like this last year. It was so difficult knowing when the right time is…
Good luck with everything. Rita will be there to comfort you!
Cleta says
I hate to hear that Speck is hurting. I love our dog and have lost other ones before. This makes me so sad. They are so much of our families. Praying for Speck ,you and Vince. Blessings
Eve in GA says
First of all, sending love and {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to you, Vince, and Speck.
I don’t know if you knew or remembered that we lost our 12-year-old cat, Kissy, in April, 2012 due to strokes; our 13-year-old yellow lab/retriever mix, Boomer, in August, 2012, due to a pit bull attack; and our 11-year-old cat, Skirts, in November, 2012, due to cancer. Kissy died at home, Boomer at the vet’s while we were in California on vacation. I made the decision to take Skirts in, and I loved her and held her to the end. I owed her that loving kindness. Don couldn’t handle it and stayed home. It was just too much loss in such a short time.
Now we have the 2 dogs, Max and Gabby, and my Soot-kitty. And we love them. But we both still cry over the others. That’s just the way it is—they’re family and we love them.
Praying the meds help Speck. And praying for your strength and peace when it’s time.
Sara says
I am sorry to hear that Speck isn’t doing well. One dog we had once exhibited the same type of symptoms that you described about Speck this am. Our Vet thought that he had perhaps had a mini stroke. I agree with Carolyn, it’s never an easy thing to do, but it is a kindness. This is one of my favorite quotes (been around a while.): “It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.” anon.
wanda j says
Well I feel for Speck poor puppy. I to went to the doctor yesterday. I couldn’t move, walk twist or turn. I got two shots and 2 meds. Same old thing over and over again bad back. I just thought I would tell you I feel for him. He can’t tell you he hurts but he does a good job showing you. He is a good doggie…….Some days I feel like I need to be put down too. Just hang in there
I’ve had animals all my life but when I had to start putting them to sleep I gave up. Hubby said no more when we had the last one put to sleep. He(cat peaches) had greived himself to death because of the deaths of other house mates. I do miss them bunches. I miss the daily love they give us and the good times and things they do that make us laugh. I keep thinking maybe some day I’ll get another one or two. But that has now been 15 years and still remember the pain of that last trip.
So Judy you and Vince enjoy this time with him.Since it is cold I’m sure that makes his bones hurt worst so maybe the medicine will ease that.Then Spring will be here once again and warmer weather.That is what we hope for.
Sorry this is a sad time just take photos and give loads of love.
Vicky says
I was so scared to read this post. I’m glad you have a little more time with him. This is the only part of having a dog that I hate. Penny and I will be saying puppy prayers for Speck every day.
Rosalie says
I know exactly what you mean…we had to put our 16 year old Blue Healer, Pepper, to sleep the day after Thanksgiving…she was my shadow for over 15 years…it is very painful, but she was hurting and even with meds was declining. My vet had just had to put 2 of his old dogs down in the past 2 months and he was still hurting from that…it hurts to lose them and it hurts to watch them decline. One of the hardest things is to know “when” and in hindsight I always think that I waited too long. I have 5 other dogs and while they are still my babies, Pepper was my special one. Our oldest dog is still grieving for Pepper also.
JudyCinNC says
It is so hard to know when to make the right decision … the vet always told us we would know. Our Casey had Canine Dementia at the end and she would stand in a corner not knowing where she was, she would forget to go eat and wanted no longer wanted any interaction with us. We knew we had to let her go for her at that point – not for us. My heart swells up at the thought of losing a beloved furry member of the family – and they are just that. Love every minute you have with Speck and then love every memory you have had with him. Judy C
Kathleen says
Thinking of you and Speck.
Amy (Waunaknit) says
Crap, now I’m balling again. Feeling your pain. Have you given Speck glucosamine? That’s what I’ve been giving Riley for his joints.
vicki says
sorry to hear little Speck is struggling. I recently went through neck issues with my Chip (also a doxie). He’s only 8 (I think since he’s a rescue). The prednisone, tramadol and no jumping / no stairs seems to have helped.
My previous doxie, Heidi, was almost 15 when I lost her. She had doggie Alzheimer’s so didn’t know where she was at times either. Sounds like Speck might be dealing with that too.
These are the best, most loving, dogs. I’ve had a lot of dogs over the years but the doxie has stolen my heart.
Hugs and prayers that Speck feels better and can stay for a while longer.