Those bantams just keep adding to their little nest. No matter how much they fluff out their feathers, they cannot cover all the eggs.
I picked one of them up and shooed her off the nest so I can give you a glance at how many eggs they’re sitting on.
If I had to guess, I would stay there’s a total of 25 to 30 eggs under them. If even half of them hatch, we’re going to double our bantam population and we need less . . not more chickens!
Vince is excited to see what they’re going to look like. We have all those different breeds and there’s just no telling what these babies are going to look like.
In this photo are: a little sebright hen in the front,to her left is a buff brahma, next to that one is a white silkie, then Pearl . . the only full size hen and looking quite stuffed in that photo! To Pearl’s right is Chief, one of the bantam babies hatched from our last batch of hens. In the far back is another white silkie, a white cochin, Della (the Japanese black tailed bantam) and a mille fleur d’uccle. Those are such pretty little chickens. Here’s a photo of them.
Most of the chickens in the above photo are also in the first photo but this one has Screech . . the little black Japanese rooster with the horribly screechy crow.
Yes, we should have some interesting babies and we will spend hours trying to figure out who’s the mama and who’s the daddy. We will never know for sure but it will be cheap entertainment . . that’s for sure.
Mary Jo says
How many chickens do you have now?
Vivian Oaks says
Ah yes! Love that cheap entertainment!! That’s my favorite kind! 🙂
wanda j says
Love it. Wow look at all the different colors of the eggs too.Does that always happen?
I went to my old house yesterday and our sometimes mama chicken came out with 3 new babies. T Then by the time I left she had 4. I looked for nest and she has 3 more to hatch. Wish they would hang around but they will go home I’m sure at some point. I still put out feed every other day for them.
I can’t wait for yours to hatch and see what they look like. It should be fun for us that don’t have any of our own.
Sounds like you are feeling better to . I’m glad for that and I’m sure you are too. Now back to knitting, quilting and having some gay old fun.