I think I need to pay better attention to reality. This morning, like most every morning, I figured it would take me an hour or so to get my chores done and then I would be knitting or sewing the rest of the day. It never seems to happen that way. It’s after 2 p.m. and I’m just now fixing to start knitting.

Breakfast this morning was quite simple — sausage and sourdough French toast. As soon as we finished eating, the plan was to go knit.
Then I remembered I had not put up the okra I cut yesterday.

That was 8 packs of sliced okra for the freezer.
Then I remembered there was a venison roast in the fridge that I had thawed so I seasoned that up and put it in the crockpot.
Then I realized there was only a little bread left. So, I cut it up in to squares.

Bread Squares
Seasoned it and added a little olive oil.

And made croutons. No bread goes to waste around here. It’s either made into bread crumbs or croutons. We have tomato soup on the menu for lunch one day next week so these will be used with that.

Since I had used up all the bread, I had to make more.

Bread Dough
Since I made more bread dough, the sourdough had to be fed.
And then I remembered I wanted to make Tomato, Mozzarella, Basil salad so I had to go to the garden to scrounge up some cherry tomatoes and pick some basil.

Tomato Salad
And just when I thought I was ready to sit down and knit, Vince came in and said . . would you make a pizza tonight?

Pizza Dough
Pizza dough was made. Two quarts of tomatoes is simmering for pizza sauce.

Pizza Sauce
And now . . I can knit or maybe I’ll take a nap! 🙂
Betty Edwards says
I just said the same thing about time! I know I don’t move fast in the morning but goodness. Got the vacuuming and dusting done, wash on and thought okay shower, wash hair (tomorrow’s Sunday) then I will sew. Have a book I need to read but sewing priory okay! Well put out Dinner to thaw and finally got my shower. Towel is still on my head but my hair is very long and I keep it wrapped so water will be absorbed before I do anything with it.
I have to get a pair of jeans hemmed for hubby, why he can’t wear them half an inch longer is beyond me! So doubt very seriously Ill getnanymsewing done today!
Nothing on the needles right now, trying to decide what I want to do.
Audrey says
I would need a nap if I did all that in one day. Heck, I need a nap just reading about what you did.
Linda H says
That is EXACTLY what I thought Audrey … you said it before I had a chance to!! This girl is heading to bed NOW!!!
Helen Koenig1 says
That sounds soooooooooooo familiar! Only it is my son who is calling me and asking me to go do this or that – or more frequently, the produce that is screaming at me “preserve me – or lose me!”
Dd and I were on Skype sewing today – when my machine started acting up – AGAIN! And I know that based on past experience, usually means I have to take the shuttle out and clean it – which would be no biggie – EXCEPT on this machine – or really any Janome machine – none of which LIKE me! (I know it is something in how I put them back together, but even when I read – for the millionth time – the directions and put it back EXACTLY the way the manual says to – it won’t work. At least not for however many days the machines decide. Then suddenly it WILL work – NO idea why or what is different!)
At any rate – when I get to the point where I seriously consider tossing the whole machine through the nearest window, whether open or not, it is time to quit for the day.
Carole says
I hear a little voice coming from the sewing room… “Mommy, Mommm-meeee, Mommm-ME… I have all sorts of new accomplishments to show you. I could sleep on your lap while you knit, you know. Mommy? Are you there?”
Theresa says
Your day sounds like the book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” One thing leads to another and to another and to another….
Sherrill says
OK, what’s up with the salad and why’s it in a jar? Looks yummy..need more info, please!
JudyL says
Pat lewis says
It’s 6:30 PM here & I may kick back and sew!! So far today, I’ve canned strawberry pie filling, Sweet & Sour Sauce, green beans and pizza sauce! Then Hubby, our son and I got ready to give our 185 lb English Mastiff a bath. We inflated a kiddie pool and ran a hose to the washer for warm water for the pool and loaded my pockets with pieces of cheese filled sausage to encourage him to get into the pool. I ended up sitting in the pool while the dog stretched out next to me! But, now, he is sweet smelling and fluffy! But I’m ready to relax!
JudyL says
Sounds like your day was much busier than mine! Nothing like a clean dog!
Rhonda says
Been there, done that and settled for a long nap, only to remember that I need to water the calves…..sigh
JudyL says
I did curl up in the bed but ended up talking to my friend on the phone and then getting up.
Jocelyn says
Can I ask what kind of seasoning you use on your croutons? I’ve got some bread that is prime for croutons, so I’d like them to be delicious 🙂
JudyL says
Anything! Sometimes I just use onion powder. Sometimes just basil or oregano. Today I used Italian Blend. Sometimes I just use garlic powder or even crushed garlic. You can use whatever you like.
Jocelyn says
Okay thanks, I’ll give it a try.
Joan in NE says
Just put 4 jars of “salad in a jar” in the fridge so that is taken care of for the next couple days. I use pint jars so it is enough for one. Add what ever else is available when I open the jar. Have turned quite a few friends on to the salad in a jar too. Thanks for the info quite some time ago.
JudyL says
It is so convenient to make them all at once and not have to get all that stuff out when it’s time to make a salad.
Jan says
Judy….do you bake the croutons after mixing in the seasonings and olive oil?
JudyL says
Bake after mixing with olive oil and seasonings.
Susan says
Your post made me smile. Maybe I should write down what I do on those days when I think I’m going to sew all day – and it doesn’t happen that way. I hope you either got a great nap or managed to knit significantly.
Evelyn Starfishy says
Sounds very familiar! And often, I forget the wash on the line and then am running up there before night dampness gets to it! Still, I would rather putter around doing this and that instead of going to the dreaded grocery store, which takes me 12 hours round trip. Ugh! Getting cold in Canada now so I am busy making jams/jelly from what I froze this summer and knitting Christmas presents. Cheers! Evelyn
JudyL says
You have a good life too! I might never go to the grocery store if it was a 12 hour round trip for me.
Linda Steller says
Wow. That’s a whole lot done!
MaryLou Rupp says
This happens to me too only not on such a grand scale. I don’t have a garden, there are no hunters in the family, no okra around here. Gosh my life is absolutely dull. But…I am getting my studio set up finally. It is a slow process grrrrr, ugh.