Yesterday we all took long naps while Addie took her nap and then Addie and Chad were both able to sleep just fine last night but Nicole and I both were up way too late. I told Nicole I would get up with Addie this morning so Nicole could sleep in. Addie was wide awake about 6:45 but I was not ready to get up up . . too bad when there’s a baby in the house. I was able to get her fed and play with her while Nicole and Chad got a few extra hours of sleep.
She’s always ready to smile. It’s not going to be easy to leave her. She’s 7 months old now and I was thinking that the next time I will see her, she’ll probably be toddling. I won’t be able to leave my knitting on the floor, or my car keys on the coffee table. Darned . . they grow too fast!
Nicole’s parents are coming over today and we’re going to eat Chinese. Chad has to go back to work tomorrow. I’ve so enjoyed my time with them all but I have another couple of days with Nicole and Addie so . . today is my last full day with Chad. Ughh . . I can cry just thinking about leaving!
Erin says
Oh she is adorable!!! Her smile is a killer Judy!!! I know how you feel about leaving 🙁 you are creating precious memories!
Vicki W says
I’m so glad you finally got to go visit with them!
Marilyn Smith says
How precious! She is really a beauty. I don’t know who it will be harder leaving. Chad or Addie! Hopefully they will be able to make a trip to see you in TX soon when Chad gets some vacation time.
Karen says
It is never easy to leave or to have them leave. You always keep wishing they live closer.
Linda Enneking says
Did Nicole like the quilt you made for her?
Cassandra says
Awwwwww. What an adorable baby!! I haven’t even met my nephew yet and he’s already three months old. 🙁
Lee says
Precious little one; so glad you’re able to be there and spend time with Chad and family 🙂
Linda in NE says
So cute!! Don’t know if I’ve mentioned it or not but my son & daughter-in-law are expecting twins. My next youngest grand-child will be ten next month so going back to babies will be very different. I will have to let them know that they can’t dump two babies and three dogs and go off to Yellowstone for a week or more for a while….or at least pay to build my a fenced in yard for the dogs. “)
Brandy M. says
Congratulations on the twins, Linda!!!
Theresa says
I know how you feel. My 19 month old granddaughter lives on the other coast, and my 3 year old grandson lives closer to you than he does to me I haven’t decided if Skype makes it better or worse.
Brandy M. says
Oh my gosh, she is just SO so so so cute! Enjoy the last few days of your visit, Judy!