It makes me shiver just to think about it but look at the size of this egg!
The egg in front of it is a small egg but the two eggs on the right are large eggs. That is one huge egg, don’t you think?
It doesn’t fit in the carton very well. I can’t wait to see if maybe there could be three yolks in there. I’ve heard that happens sometimes. We get double yolks fairly often but I’ve never seen a triple yolk. I’ll let you know what I find when I crack it.
Melody says
Wow!! Well maybe a duck or a goose got in to the hen house without you knowing. LOL. Have a great day!
Debbie Rhodes says
Before we got out of the chicken hobby…. we got several triple yolk eggs.. the eggs were humungous!!! Enjoy!!!
carolyn says
oh ouch!!! I really enjoy your Chicken stories. keep them coming… Iknow it is a quilting blog but hey I like to live vicariously.
Helen B. Ellen says
(and ouch!)
Doe in Mi says
Sure looks like alot of different sizes in the carton. Thats what I call natural. The store eggs are always the same size in the carton. I do love the color of them there eggs — so pretty.
Ranch Wife says
Well someone is your hen house is an overachiever! LOL.
Mary H says
Good Grief-Is the hen that laid okay? LOL!
Laura says
How nice of the hen to make you an omelet egg!
Marge Campbell says
LOL..that hadda hurt!
Loretta says
That egg’s like the difference between an 11 lb. baby & a 5 lb baby!
Karen S. says
We occasionally get eggs like that from one of our Buff Orpingtons, who goes by the name of “Bumblebee”. Now we tag any of the larger eggs as “bumblebee eggs”. Some of my friends actually request them by name