Have you ever had Tres Leches Cake? I had never heard of it til probably 10 or 12 years ago and my cousin, who at the time lived a little more than an hour from where we currently live, and who was a native Texan, told me about it. I knew when she said that you mix one can of sweetened condensed milk, with one can of evaporated milk, with one cup of Half & Half, that it did not make one bit of difference what else went into that cake but it had to be the best cake on earth! When I see a recipe that calls for one can of sweetened condensed milk, I know to get two cans because there’s no way I can open that can, and dump it all into the recipe without eating half of the can. I love that stuff.
This is the recipe I use for my Tres Leches Cake.
Mine is really yellow because I used yard eggs with bright orange yolks. No, they were not from my chickens. I still have at least two months before any of my girls start laying.
If you look closely you can see the holes I poked in the cake so that when I pour that sweet, rich milk mixture over the cake, every crumb of the cake will be moistened and yummy.
There it goes . . the cake is drinking up that milk mixture just like I would love to have done. Goodness, that stuff is good! I was so tempted to grab a straw and drink it up before the cake could drink it all up.
Good . . the milk has all disappeared. The cake was put into the fridge for the night. This afternoon I will whip the sweetened heavy cream and that will be the topping and this cake will go with us, along with crawfish enchiladas and barracho beans, to the Cinco de Mayo celebration.
Doe in Mi says
Sure do look decandent and yummy. Wish I could reach thru this screen and get me a piece. Have never had it.
Kay Sorensen says
Weight Watcher’s recipe?
Kathy C says
Linda S says
Oh yum! I’ll just have to settle for some cilantro on my steak salad for Cinco de Mayo today. No more beans, rice, or cake for me. Dang it. No carbs can be such a bummer. Thankfully, though, there’s still plenty of good food to be had on this Earth! ;D
Diana in TX says
Good isn’t it!!!!! I don’t make it as we would devour the whole thing-get it when we go out to eat.
Denise ~ justquiltin says
I’m sure the cake will be totally decadent – how could it not. And I know I’m probably in the minority since I hear so many people say they could spoon condensed milk out of the can and eat it but ewwwwww LOL I can’t stand it unless it’s baked in something.
Barbara says
Hm. I just tore a recipe out of the latest Martha Stewart Living for this. Looks good.
Sandy says
Hmmph! Who would have thought to try that sweetened condensed milk before adding it to a recipe. I have to find out what I have been missing! Your cake looks delicious!!!!
Elizabeth Johnson says
Ohhhh Yummy!
kelly says
ah… tres leches cake is one of the best things i learned while living in texas! i even came up with my own recipe that includes rum and cream of coconut in the milk sauce.
Karla says
looking at it just made my mouth start watering 🙂
Valerie says
That looks delicious. I have a similar one that I just learned of(and enjoyed eating). You do everything the same but instead of using the milks you use coconut creme(not the coconut milk). After putting chopstick size holes in your cake, you pour the coconut creme( which has been heated in the microwave for 10 seconds) over the cake and leave it overnight. Frost with whipped cream or cool whip topped with coconut. It is delicious too!
Peg says
Oh MY!!! CRAWFISH enchys, barracho beans AND tres leches cake?!? What time’s dinner? I’m on my way. YUMMMMMMM.