The lady at the Red Cross office here told her friend at the local newspaper about our efforts to raise money for Joplin and one of the reporters came to the house to do an interview. I thought he was going to talk to me for a few minutes, take a picture and be done. No! He was here over two hours. We talked about all kinds of stuff. I enjoyed visiting with him . . an interesting guy. He wanted to see my sewing room. Oh, my . . I hadn’t planned on doing that. Then he wanted to take a picture of me at the longarm and I didn’t have a quilt loaded so I tossed one over the poles to kinda make it look like a quilt was on the machine.
I wasn’t sure what to expect with the article – didn’t know how large or small it might be or where it might appear in the paper so you can guess my shock when my picture appeared on the front page – covering a huge chunk of the front page. Yes, it’s a tiny local paper but it was still a funny feeling to be standing at the gas pump putting gas in my car and see me staring back from the front page of the newspaper in the paper racks.
It was all of you who donated who should have been on the front page . . not me. All I did was give out my address and those of you who donated did the rest. But, several local folks called and wanted to donate so I’ve received another $275. The total received is $11,745.
More quilts should arrive tomorrow and will be donated on my next trip to Joplin. I’ll keep you posted and the updates will be on the “Help Joplin” tab at the top.
Jo's Country Junction says
That’s a WELL deserved recognition!
Saska says
I’m proud of you!
Sandi P. says
Wow! That’s great that the article raised even more money. I went through some of the area in AL that got hit in April last week and it is still horrible devastation. It will be years and years, as well as lots of $$$$$ before these areas even approach what was normal just a few months ago. I can only imagine that Joplin is the same way.
Debbie W says
That is great. I love small town newspapers (I live in a small town) because you get good news too. Way to go!
Nancy says
I read on a blog somewhere that there was a guild in Joplin that lost everything. Someone was taking donations of fabrics, tools ,etc. Do you know anything about this and if so can you forward me the information please? Thanks.
Keep up the good work!
Michelle R says
I live in the Dallas, TX area and 2 of the shops here are partnering with a shop in Missouri for what they are calling Operation Re-Guild Joplin. You can see the information in the following blog post:
Ida says
Have you been to the paper’s website? There’s the photo in full color! (Along w/ the rest of the article for us stalkers. 😉 )
Judy D in WA says
Oh Judy, that’s a very nice article (thanks Ida 😉 ) and I’m glad you let him into your sewing space. I wish it were on my newstands so I could see your face smiling at me while I pump my gas!
Robin Crittenden says
you deserve the praise. You have done a marvelous job for Joplin. Love the picture.
Denniele says
Very cool!
Vicki W says
That’s fabulous! You are the one who did the organizing and you deserve the recognition. Good for you!
Karen says
how neat! I can see it being startling to see yourself in the paper though 🙂
Kari in UT says
What a great article! You deserve it! Made me cry, Again.
Jackie Warren says
Judy, I am so proud of you and very happy that the newspaper picked up on this. I told Allen that I should have called the paper myself so that you would be recognized. You had the idea and put it all together. Good for you. Jackie
Susan says
You deserve the credit because you made it happen. You are such a giving person…………
Cheryl L says
Wow! Congrats on the great article. I was going to post the link to the full article, but I see Ida already beat me to it! I thought it was very interesting….just before I read your post I got my donation acknowledgement from the Red Cross in today’s mail!
Sandy says
Judy, you did a fantastic job in getting the word out and organizing the help for the Joplin community. You should be very proud in all the money you raised for a very worthy cause. Can you see how much everyone loves your blog, hearing about your quilting, family and life? You are a very generous person.
Angie says
Judy, What a wonderful article in the local paper. You deserve the credit for so generously stepping out and organizing this fund raiser! And it’s great that money and quilts are still arriving. As a winner of one of your beautiful quilts (which we will always cherish)—congratulations on this well deserved public acknowledgment, and a special thank you for all you continue to do to help the tornado victims.
Barb M says
I read the article. I thought it was very nice. You are a good public relation person. We will miss you when you are gone to Texas. You always make me smile.
Kathleen says
You DO deserve lots of recognition. You organized it, went to Joplin, donated quilts… The whole thing has been so heartwarming. I know I could have given money directly to the Red Cross, but it feels so much better giving through a group. I don’t know, maybe there’s pride watching the $ grow and it’s a number that can be visualized and imagine the good it will do. My contribution doesn’t feel so lost as in the bigger picture. (Not that donating directly is a bad thing – far from it!) Thanks again Judy for do this.
pdudgeon says
If the local Chamber of Commerce ever gives out a Key to the City of Nevada, you should get it this year for your charitable work.
Kathy C says
GREAT job Judy.
Linda B in MI says
I agree with all the above statements, Judy, great article!
Shirley Albertson Owens (sao) says
That is a great picture and YOU deserved to be on the front page. What you did was wonderful and outstanding and just – well – unheard of for someone in the middle of a very stressful move!
sao in Midlothian, VA
Lisa Neal says
You so deserve this. You were able to get many together to do something big! Woo Hoo!!!!!
Tina C. says
Just wanted to tell you that I got a note from the Neosho branch of American Red Cross acknowledging reciept of my donation. I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks for your effort. My husband didn’t understand why I didn’t just mail the Red Cross a check instead of sending it to someone through the internet. I’m glad I sent it to you and that you’re getting the kudos!