This will be the main post that will be updated with our Scrappy Challenge. Links will be provided for each month’s block selection, each month’s photo links and links to blog posts with tips.
A question was asked yesterday about making a different size block. Yes, that’s fine . . make it any size you would like. Different months will have different sizes but I will try to make them all sizes that can be easily made 6″, 9″ or 12″.
Links will not be active until the blog posts are live. (If you click on February’s Block Selection in January, you’re going to get a non-working page).
Look for this button on the left sidebar, click on it and it will bring you back to this page.

Scrappy Button
January Block Selection
January Link Ups
February Block Selection
February Link Ups
March Block Selection
March Link Ups
April Block Selection
April Link Ups
May Block Selection
May Link Ups
June Block Selection
June Link Ups
July Block Selection
July Link Ups
August Block Selection
August Link Ups
September Block Selection
September Link Ups
October Block Selection
October Link Ups
November Block Selection
November Link Ups
December Block Selection
December Link Ups
Carolyn says
Awesome! I’m doing Bonnie’s Mystery quilt right now, and using 1.5 ” strips to do a log cabin leader/ender. urs mayb be next as I’ve generated a lot of scraps.
Angelica says
Designing the experiment Let’s just use year
1 to keep it simple, in year 1, run your eye down that column and tell minecraft free download me where
the students got the lowest score.
Life takes a turn says
How do I get the link for the button? Or can we?
marypatvanschyndel says
Hello Judy………..I am participati ng in the scrappy challenge 2014 and saw the first block for January. I made something with it and I see now that gals posted some of their items with that block. I do not have a blog and I am not sure how to post it…can I send a picture of it to you during the year and have you post it for me? I think I would need your email to do so. Any help would be helpful. Thanks for your time and for your challenge.
Mary Pat
Rita McCart says
Is it to late to join the Scrappy Challenge 2014?