All through the year, if there’s a raised bed that doesn’t have anything in it, I put vegetable scraps in it and bury them. I bury pretty much everything except potato and sweet potato scraps because those things seem to take root and grow where I don’t want them to grow.
In one of the beds, there’s been something sprouting that looked like parsley. It isn’t unusual for something to sprout . . sometimes I will pull the sprout out but if it’s something I don’t mind growing in the garden, I just let it grow but this little plant was getting bigger and not looking so much like parsley so I decided to pull it up. I was so surprised to find this at the end of the sprout!

I grew a carrot and I didn’t plant a carrot. That made me laugh! It tells me that I should plant carrots next year. Spring carrot seeds should be planted mid-March. Seeds for Fall carrots should be planted mid-August. I read that carrots can handle a light frost. Our winter had been somewhat warm but we’ve had some COLD weeks with temps near zero a few times, and four or five snows where we got at least 5 inches. The more I think about it, I’m thinking I had some carrots that had gone bad and I dumped them in the raised bed. This may just be one of the bad carrots that decided to sprout once the ground got warmer. Maybe I didn’t grow the carrot at all. Maybe it just decided it wasn’t ready to give up.
It’s weird . . if that is one of the carrots I threw out, it was some I had left over from Christmas when I had bought too many carrots and there were a couple that were looking grungy. And why did only one of them decide to sprout? One of the great mysteries of life I suppose.
Dottie says
Definitely interesting.
Dotti Hossler says
If it had that much desire to grow, perhaps you should enjoy it to make his effort worthwhile. Just a thought, Dotti in CT