There’s no use trying to stitch until Oscar and Cooper are tired and sleepy. It usually happens between 7 and 8 p.m. It was 7:25 tonight.

Look at sweet, little Cooper with his head on my tummy. He can be so snuggly but he can also be way too rough on Oscar. I hope Cooper grows out of that. He isn’t mean like he’s trying to hurt Oscar but Cooper plays rough and with Oscar being about 1-1/2 years older than Cooper, he’s pretty much out of the rough playing stage. On a good note, when Oscar has had enough, he’ll some sit by me because he knows I won’t let Cooper attack so I get a bit of extra snuggling time from Oscar.

We all remember when Oscar was the devil dog but look how sweet he looks now. He still loves to shred things but he’s really a good boy these days – way better than I thought he would ever be. He’s even less snippy and aggressive at strangers (except the vet) than Cooper is.
On the downside, I’ve had to stop using my wooden stitching stand that sits on my lap because see how there’s no room for a wooden stand that’s a bit heavy. I’ve been using the Lowery stand because it has an “arm” that holds the stitching frame and it sits about 6″ above my lap so as not to interfere with sleeping dogs.
OK . . stitching time for me while the boys sleep.
What are your thoughts?