It’s good to be busy and a day spent having to leave the house several times will be good. I usually don’t want to leave the house I’m ready to get out for a day.
First, our Azure pickup is at 8 a.m. We will have to be there by 7:45. Hopefully the truck will be on time and we can grab our order and get home. I have 10 pounds of frozen broccoli. It will probably not be defrosted but maybe somewhat so I want to get it divided into smaller sizes and in the freezer. There’s probably no way I could put one 10 pounds bag of broccoli in a freezer but I should be able to squeeze 10 one pound bags in somewhere. Also, I got two of the 5 pound blocks of Jalapeno Jack cheese. I’ll stick it in a fridge and divide it up and freeze it as soon as I get a chance. I wouldn’t have ordered either of those had I known we would be short a fridge and freezer but we’ll make it work.
Then Vince has an appointment in town at 10. We’re pushing our luck to get there on time. My friend works in the office so I’m going to take knitting and go with him. If my friend has time to visit with me, that will be nice. Otherwise, I’ll just sit and knit.
I don’t know if we’ll take my car or Vince’s but if we take his, we’ll have to come home and get mine and take it back to get a battery.
There are several other things going on here – just not sure when any of them are coming – soon I hope!
montanaclarks says
Does freezing change the texture of the cheese at all?? says
I think all cheeses are different. I am no expert! The raw jalapeno jack seems a bit more crumbly after being frozen. When I try to grate it, it will almost be crumbles, which I don’t mind at all but I can still slice it and it stays together. The raw jalapeno jack is about the only one I freeze and I freeze it in chunks. If I grate it, then freeze it, it seems pretty much the same as fresh.