This morning I sat down to stitch on The Maker and Mender and my heart just wasn’t wanting to stitch. I figured that for today I’d be better off doing something a bit more physical. I went out and worked in the garden for a couple of hours then came in and decided to get all the project bags out of the big storage ottoman, see what’s in there and get a list made of what I want to stitch in the near or not so near future. Here’s the list and my thoughts on what’s in the ottoman.
Let Love Reign – Teresa Kogut

This is a big one. It’s 294 x 390 so on 40 count, it will be 14-3/4 x 19-1/2. I’ve seen it stitched (floss tubes) and it’s so beautiful. I have DMC and Vikki Clayton Silks in the bag. No linen but there’s linen here I can use.
Autumn Carriage – Owl Forest Embroidery

This one isn’t huge – 159 x 179. I have Owl Forest’s floss for this one.
Ann Kirby – Needlework Press

This was a kit and I have the called for floss and Fox & Rabbit’s Hogbristle 40 count linen.
Silver Hoof Christmas by Owl Forest Embroidery

This one is 129 x 170. I have Owl Forest’s floss.
What Remains by Blackbird Designs

This one is 165 x 171. I have 36 count Straw by Weeks and Vikki Clayton Silks. Not sure which floss I will use.
Strawberry Manor by Teresa Kogut

This was a stitch along from 2022. I started it. At least the border is done. There’s a lot of stitching left to be done but I would love to finish it. Not sure what the linen is but I’m using Vikki Clayton Silks.

Autumn Still-Life by Owl Forest Embroidery

This one is 179 x 159. I have the Owl Forest floss.
GH 1857 by Atelier Soed Idee

This one is 301 x 294, and will probably take me forever but I would love to stitch it. I have Wheat linen by Fiber on a Whim and Vikki Clayton Silks.
Catharine Dickenson 1840 by Scattered Seed Samplers

This one is 135 x 131 and I didn’t remember that I had it started.

It looks like it’s on 32 count linen and I’m using two strands of floss. Normally I stitch on 40 count linen but I keep at last one project on 36 count to stitch on when I’m away from home stitching with Debbie. I think I’ll keep this one out and work on it when I finish my current 36 stitch project.
Elizabeth Eyles by The Scarlet Letter
This one is 224 x 270 and should be 11-1/2 x 13-1/2″ if I’m stitching it on 40 count.

VERY bad photo because two dogs are asleep on my lap and I am not disturbing them. They are so rarely quiet and not in trouble – only when they’re sleeping!

Faith Hope Peace Love by Teresa Kogut

This has been one of my favorites since I first saw it. I have all the called for colors and Straw linen by Weeks, 40 count. That’s the called for linen and, as you can see, some of the floss colors don’t show up well. After the ABCD about halfway down, you don’t see those letters at all. Same with after the “H” two rows up from the ABCD. I will definitely change that and I want the house to show up better. It’s beautiful and has lots of stitching so the stitches might as well show up.
Lincoln’s Eagle by Teresa Kogut

I have the called for floss and 40 count Straw by Weeks linen (called for linen).
Newcastle Bouquet by Teresa Kogut

This one is 353 x 217. I have the called for floss and I have two different linens in the bag. Both are 40 count. One is Aged Hazelnut by XJu Designs, which is probably closer to the called for – Straw – again! The other is Vintage Sand Dune by Lakeside Linen.
Above All by Teresa Kogut

This one is 179 x 178. I have the called for floss and 36 count Heartland linen by Picture This Plus.
Deck the Halls by The Drawn Thread

This one is 68 x 68 – shouldn’t take too long. I have some of the called for floss – Dinky Dyes Silks. Not sure I’ve ever used those. It calls for 6 colors and I have 5. Weird. It may have been out of stock when I ordered years ago and I never remembered to add it to another order.
G. Leger 1898 by Reflets de Soie

This one is so pretty and it’s one I want to make in memory of my grandma. Something about this one reminds me of her . . not even sure what it is. It’s 307 x 240. I have Vikki Clayton Silks.
Sixteen of them if I counted correctly. Not sure when I’ll get to these but at least I have a list of what’s in the long storage ottoman!
Anastasia HOF says
I was surprised to see the Owl Forest’s Silver Hoof in this list!
Originally I come from the region where this fairy tale about the Silver Hoof was written (name of the writer: Pavel Bazhov). It’s been almost 12 years I moved to another country and I now live quite a different life, but the Silver Hoof remains one of my favorite fairy tales of childhood ? says
I didn’t even know there was a Silver Hoof fairy tale. Now I’ll have to see if I can find it. Thank you for sharing that info.
justquiltin says
So many beautiful options! Every time I see someone working on Let Love Reign I think how beautiful it is but what stops me is the size of it. But as I was looking at your photo, what I really love is that bottom section with the flowers which actually would make a pretty piece all on its own so I may need to think about getting that chart. says
I thought that exact same thing.
Tracy says
– I finished Newcastle Bouquet in late 2021, the border took fooorever.
it does look pretty though. says
I remembered that you had done it. I also remember that I was going to stitch it then too and didn’t.