I’m going to put the sad news at the bottom in case no one wants sad news! Really, this whole post is sad news – more like aggravating news.
Yesterday morning I cooked breakfast and I got some applesauce out of the fridge and it was moldy. I thought . . that hasn’t been in there that long. Then I asked Vince . . does the fridge have it’s own compressor or does it share one with the freezer? It shares one with the freezer! I don’t know why they each had a separate compressor. So, the whole thing is out – fridge and freezer. The freezer is staying about 28 degrees and the fridge is staying about 45 degrees. So close but not good enough. So I had to throw out a lot of food and then, things I did feel it was ok to keep had to get moved to another fridge.
Later in the day, Vince was out working on finishing the vent in the garage and he had backed my car out. I know how to play music on my new radio in the car but I had not yet been able to “mirror” my phone on the radio so I got the manual, went and sat in the car and tried to figure it out. I had the music going and after about 5 minutes, the music stopped. The car battery had died. No inside lights were on. Nothing but the radio and the battery had died! Vince put the charger on it and after a while, I was able to put the windows up. He called Auto Zone this morning and that battery is SIX years old. I don’t think we’ve had a battery last that long . . ever! So, we have to get a new battery today.
As I was coming inside last night, I thought . . what else can go wrong? Then I thought . . there’s always something else that can go wrong so don’t even think about it.
Now the sad news –

When I get up in the morning – EVERY morning . . I put Cooper in the bathroom with a puppy pad. I take Oscar out, then put him in his crate. I get Cooper and take him out. He has just now gotten to where he will “hold it” and not use the puppy pad but I still don’t trust him first thing in the morning. I feed them both in their crates. Then I let Boots out. He will sit with me while I read my mail and then he’s ready to go back in the sewing room so I go in there and feed him and let the dogs out. I keep the opening between the sewing room door and the family room blocked by the dogs’ crates. Boots can jump right over them so he comes and goes as he pleases but he would rather be in the sewing room looking out the big windows and not having to watch for the dogs.
This morning I opened the door for him to come out, came and sat down in my chair to check mail and Boots never came out. Sometimes if he’s sitting in the window and there’s something interesting outside, he won’t come when I open the door but if I put food in his bowl, he’ll come to get his food. I went in the sewing room, called him, put food in his bowl and he still didn’t come out. I walked over to where he sleeps and he was on the floor . . not moving. I had a feeling he had passed and he didn’t react when I touched his head. I knew he was not OK. I hollered for Vince to come down. He went in, picked him up and said “He’s gone!” Vince said it must have just happened because he was still warm. It was like he started to come when I opened the door and just dropped.
At night, the last thing I do before taking a shower is go in and sit with him for a while. Most nights the last few weeks, I’d sit in the sewing room with him for an hour or so and knit. I did that last night and he seemed absolutely fine! When he gets ready for me to leave him alone, he will go sit in a window and that’s my sign to go. That’s what happened last night.
So, Vince buried him next to Rita. I’m sorry he’s gone. It will be a long time before I get used to walking into the sewing room without him running to greet me.

We found him in 2011 so he was about 13, maybe 14 years old. Hard to believe we’ve had him that long but the sewing room was brand new when he showed up at our house.
It’s been a sad morning at our house. Makes the fridge and battery seem like nothing..
Dottie says
I’m so sorry to know that Boots is gone – he was such a good kitty and I know he LOVED having y’all as his “folks”. Y’all have been so good to all the animals that found you and adopted you.
And, sorry about the refrigerator and car battery.
Pat Anderson says
So sorry to hear of another loss, but Boots was one lucky cat! Just think of the life he would have lived had you not found him. I’m sure his life would have been much shorter and not the life of luxury he had with you. Take the time to grieve but know that you saved that little guy!
Donna in KS says
So sorry. You took good care of each other. He was fortunate to have found you!
Sherry Bobak says
So sorry about Boots. I know you took great care of him and that he loved you. Several years ago, I had to have my old cat put to sleep. I cried like a baby and still do when I think of her sometimes. I’m sure Boots knew how much you loved him.
cindy says
Terribly sorry to hear about Boots. It is hard to lose pets, I know. Know that with y’all he had a good life and was loved.
Nelle Coursey says
This makes me so sad. I know what it is like to lose a pet. They are not just pets, but family members. It hurts deep. I will keep you in my prayers. It sounds like he went fast and I know he was happy with all the years he was with you both. May he rest in peace.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thank you, Nelle.
Nancy H says
I am so sorry to hear about Boots. It is so hard to lose a fur baby,
vivoaks says
So sorry about Boots. I didn’t realize he was that old. Our cat that we adopted when we first moved here was an abandoned one, I think. He’d been around for a while before we coaxed him into the house, but we figure he lived till he was 23 or 24. His teeth had rotted and had to be pulled, and he would go to the door and meow to be let out instead of using a litter box. We were sad to lose him, but I know we gave him a much better home than he had living outside.
Rosalie says
Oh Judy! Such sad news. Boots had such a good life with you. Thankfully he wasn’t sick and was able to do his routine until the end but shocking for you and Vince.
Teri says
So sad to lose a pet. RIP Boots.
Pam Gonzalez says
So sorry for your loss. Boots was well loved and cared for by you both. I know you will miss him.
Pat from KS says
I’m so sorry to hear about Boots; I enjoyed reading about him. You gave him such a good life. After losing my 15 year old cat decades ago I thought I could never love another. However, after reading Boots stories over several years I slowly changed my mind. So, partially because of Boots, another cat – my Frankie – now has a home.
Dianne says
I’m so sorry about Boots. I remember when you found him. Hugs.
Kathy Henderson says
I’m very sorry for your loss. I also remember back when you found Boots. I would think about him living in your sewing room, sitting up in the windows. My cat did a lot of the same things that he did. My thoughts are with you!
Paula Nordt says
Hugs for you! It is always heartbreaking when we lose one of our fur babies. All of mine have been strays who chose us, or we rescued, and I have loved every single one of them. Doesn’t matter if we share a long time together, or a short time. – they are part of our lives and we miss them when they pass away. I always say no more, but soon enough another one appears who needs care and love, and squirrels its way into my heart.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
They have a way of doing that, don’t they? I wouldn’t be sad if another can showed up. I say I’d prefer an outside cat but I know I’d worry about him getting hit on the road or being cold and he would end up in the house. I figure if one shows up, it was meant to be but I’m not going out looking for one.
Rebecca L says
Bye-bye, sweet Boots. I’m sorry for your loss, but it does sound like the easiest ending for his life. It’s kind of funny that you never went looking for cats, but they found you!
Carolyn says
Judy, I’m behind on my blog reading and just read about Boots. I’m so sorry, it’s so hard to lose such a loved member of the family. They’re so much more than just a pet, aren’t they? I’m so happy you have Oscar and Cooper to help you cope, but you’ll always have a Boots sized hole in your heart. My heart goes out to you, my friend. ??
Karen says
Judy, I’m so sorry. I always enjoyed reading your ‘Boots’ stories. He was one lucky cat to land in your life.