I forgot how much Oscar loves asparagus. He did not forget how much he loves asparagus. He keeps wanting to go outside and get more. I hate to do it but I’m going to have to tell him that I didn’t plant it ALL for him!

Here’s a few shots of the rest of the garden. This was the original bed I started with the walking onions. They multiplied like crazy, which is what they do.

They also fall over outside the bed and start producing there!

During the Fall I divided the onions because they had gotten so thick and put them in the two tub planters I had gotten from a neighbor.

These make very small bulbs but they’re quite spicy and I love them. I will cut the tops several times during the growing season and freeze dry them. I think I ended up with three full half gallon jars of freeze dried green onions last year and I ran out! I have a bad habit of buying green onions, using a few of them, and either letting the rest go bad or cutting them up, putting them in a zipper bag and still letting them go bad so I feel like I’m saving a good bit of money and time by having them in a jar and can just shake out what I need.

The basil is growing nicely. Before summer, I will combine these two in a bigger pot. The basil grows best if it can get some afternoon shade so I spend a lot of time moving it back and forth but we love basil and I love having pesto in the freezer.

I also have three of these long planters that have basil seeds in them. You can see they’re starting to sprout.
Remember my bay leaf trees? They’re now about 2′ taller than me. Vince carries them in and out of the garage on cold nights/warm days. They’re so heavy. Every year I tell myself we need to give them away but I’ve had them and babied them for so long, I’m not ready to part with them.

In the Fall when I pruned the raspberries, I decided to stick a few of the cuttings in water just to see what happened. They sat in a bucket of water most of the winter, except when it was really cold and then they sat in a bucket of ice! They ALL sprouted so I shared some with a friend and planted some. We’ll see if they root in the ground and survive and make raspberries.

The next few months will be busy ones with the garden but I love my little garden!
Dottie says
Looking forward to hearing about your gardening. You’re always so productive in everything you do.