I cannot remember where I there’s a my stitching on this piece. I think it’s in the area where the words to the prayer are. I’m starting on the left side of the sentences, stitching a few words left to right, stitching on the right side (right to left) and if I see I’m going to not have enough room, I’ll make fewer spaces between words but so far, it’s worked out fine. Three rows stitched. Thirteen rows to go.

If I stitch one line per day, I’ll have all the text done by mid-March. I can hope.
Since I seem to write everything on the blog, I went back to see if I could find where I had written about the mistake and I did find a picture of the cutest puppy ever! 🙂

We had only had him a few months when this picture was taken. He’s such a cute, funny little guy. I’ve never had two dogs that were so close in aqe and they crack me up.
You remember how wild and crazy Oscar was as a puppy. He was three in December and he has grown to be such a good dog. He’s so sensitive. Oscar has not had an “accident” in the house since he was 5 months old. You know how it is with a first child – you expect more out of them. I was probably too tough on Oscar getting him house trained but he has it down. Cooper knows to let us know when he has to go out but it’s sometimes like “I have to go out”. Oops . . nevermind. It doesn’t bother Cooper one bit if he has an accident. The other night Cooper had an accident. I have a rug on the tile where the carpet and tile meet. I had just washed it and put it down and Cooper had an accident. Oscar saw it and he was trying to cover it up before I saw it. He tried folding the rug. He tried flipping it over. He decided to drag it off so I wouldn’t notice. Cooper wasn’t the least bit concerned and Oscar was working so hard to keep Cooper from getting in trouble.
Oscar really does seem to have the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he’s so sweet. Chad, Nicole and Addie were here both Saturday and Sunday. Addie is afraid of Cooper . . he isn’t very friendly. Chad said “Who would ever have thought Oscar would be the GOOD dog?” He was such a crazy puppy.
Cooper will be 2 in July so I’m hoping to see some improvement somewhere between July and December . . a long time from now but I’m hopeful.
What are your thoughts?