Teresa Kogut posted a day or so ago about the grandson of friends of theirs who has recently been diagnosed with leukemia. The young family is not only having to deal with the heartbreak of his diagnosis but the financial issues. Teresa, being the sweetheart that she is, designed a chart called Hope & Love that is selling for $10 in Teresa’s Etsy shop. The funds from the sales will go towards the family’s expenses. There is a SAL . . start any time . . and the hashtag is #lincolnstrongsal.

When I looked at Teresa’s Etsy listing last night, between those in the cart and those already purchased, there were over 2,000 charts sold or, hopefully going to be sold. The chart is small and can be done fairly quickly. I know . . quick is relative! It’s 150 x 144. On 40 count, the stitching will be 7-1/2″ x 7-1/4″; on 36 count, it will be 8-3/8″ x 8″.
If anyone is wants to stitch along on this project, I know the funds will be very much appreciated by this young family.
I plan to start this one as soon as I finish My Heart My Home.
Sandi says
I’m so glad you wrote about this and shared it. It’s for a great cause. I saw on her blog and bought it them. I hope many people see it on yours and go and buy it. Hugs,
Shari says
Bought mine yesterday. Hope to get around to doing it soon and give it to a friend whose daughter-in-law is going through cancer treatment. Young lady with two young children. Teresa is a kind and thoughtful person to do this.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
She is and I LOVE her designs. I pray your friend’s DIL’s cancer treatments are successful.