The frame arrived today for the For the Love of Nature (Teresa Kogut) piece.

The frame looks nice. It’s just positioned over the piece – not laced or anything yet.
I’m happy with my frame choice but not happy with the frame. I’ve mentioned before that I was in the Custom Frame Club and, it seems I’m more disappointed with each frame I get from them. There are three places that make frames for them and the frames I get from two of the places are perfect. The frames from the third place – I’ve been disappointed with all of them. Last time I talked to “customer service” and I use those words lightly, the man gave me the code for the frames that come from that location so I could avoid ordering from there. This frame had a totally different code and guess where it came from! Yep . . very poorly made, corners don’t match up well. Frame is not put together and only has one little slot on the back for the pegs to go on so at best, unless I glue it up, it will be wobbly. Vince was trying to get it put together and he kept saying bad words. I think the savings from ordering frames from these folks is not worth the headaches.
For my next piece, I’m going to go to Hobby Lobby and see what it would cost for a custom frame there if I do all the lacing and the actual framing myself – just get the frame from them and I do the rest. A couple of years ago, we bought a miter saw for cutting down frames but . . “we” haven’t used it yet. I thought I might would use it but after the stick blender incident, I’m not sure I want to use the saw and I don’t know that Vince has any interest in doing it so I’ll have to come up with some framing ideas.
Nancy H. says
Oh you can get Vince to do it for you. You only have to mention how nerve you are about using the saw. Although I have to say mitre saws are really easy to use. I did all of our baseboard. says
For two years I’ve been trying to get him to show me how or do it for me and so far, it hasn’t happened. There’s so much STUFF in the garages that there seems to be no place to set up the saw. I think letting him know what I pay for frames may get him moving faster than my hounding him about helping.
Angie says
I use Hobby Lobby for my framing..mats, glass, insulation of piece and I think I’ve never paid over $100. And that was a large piece and they had to do some work cause the piece didn’t have a lot of extra fabric to work with. The Hobby Lobby in my area are good and fairly quick says
Great to know. Thank you!
Paula Nordt says
Just tell Vince that you are going to do it yourself, but feel sure you’ll mess it up. Maybe he’ll volunteer. says
Vince would be really happy if I would do it on my own but I need for him to clean up a place in the garage so I can set it up, and then show me how to work it. It would be so much easier if I had a place to leave the saw set up so, even if he does show me how to use it, if I have to put it back in the storage building when I’m done with it, I may end up continuing to buy frames. We’ll see how it goes.