One of the best things about having two Dachshunds (besides twice the snuggles and twice the shredded treasures) is seeing how different they are.
Oscar is my third one and Cooper is the fourth but I’ve never had two at the same time before now. You know we do tend to lose our sense of reason as we get older! 🙂
One of the funniest differences is that my first three dogs loved sleeping all wrapped up in a sheet. You have probably read here before that the second one was Speck. Vince did not want a dog but I think at some point, he got so tired of hearing me beg for a Dachshund that he finally found one online and surprised the heck out of me when he came home and said “Let’s go! I’ve found you a Dachshund!” We wanted Speck to sleep in a crate so every night, I would put a sheet in the dryer, get it warm, toss it in his crate, he would happily run into the crate and sleep til about daylight.
Oscar loves sleeping under a sheet at night and under a quilt when sitting on my lap. Cooper gets under the sheet at night but he’s in and out. Cooper has a much thicker coat than Oscar and I’m wondering if he gets hot easily. When they’re on my lap, Oscar is always under the quilt and Cooper is on top of it . . usually on top of Oscar!

According to our Ryan Hall Ya’ll-o-Meter, we have right at 6″ of snow. Oscar walks out the door, sees all the snow and he stops and looks at me like “No, thanks!” Vince goes out, as needed, and shovels a spot for them. I pick Oscar up and carry him to that spot and after much coaxing, he will do what he has to do. Cooper walks out and it’s like we’ve arrived at Disneyworld! He cannot get out there fast enough. Today, the snow was right at the top of his back but that didn’t slow him down. He loved it and it’s so fun to watch.

I have a love/hate relationship with these trees. I think they’re some kind of spruce but I could be way off. Jeremy and Angie built this house. Angie is from the northwest and she wanted these trees. They’re big. They provide a lot of shade (a LOT of shade). They take up a huge amount of the back yard, which means they take up a lot of space I could use for gardening. Aside from the space they take up, they provide a ton of shade. That’s good for keeping the house cool in the summer but not good for the garden. I would never cut a good tree and I’m happy they’re here, happy and healthy. Some day I will no longer garden and these trees will still be providing good shade.
They are gorgeous when covered in snow.

Jeremy and Angie had planted one in front of the dining room but it got too tall so they had to remove it and they planted another one. We knew it was also going to get too tall and we weren’t crazy about having such a big tree that close to the house so we (as in Vince!) dug it up and moved it to the back. It’s done great back there and seems to be happy. Some day it is going to shade those two raised beds back there but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

There’s garlic in these beds. I think they are loving the cold. You can see the tarps over the moving blankets that are covering the cabbage and brussels sprouts. I’ll be surprised if these survived.

I don’t think the solar panels are producing much power this week! That’s ok. Snow is good too. We could go out with our long brush and brush them off but we probably won’t . . at least not until the snow has stopped.

I can’t remember the last time we used these stairs to go up on the deck so I doubt Vince cleans them off. I know I’m not.
The clean, white snow is so pretty but after a few days, it’s a mess and I’m ready for it to be gone. Then the ground is soggy and muddy for a few more days . . dirty dog feet going in and out. This winter, so far, has been pretty snowy. This is the most we’ve had with the others being just a dusting or an inch or two. The snow probably wouldn’t be nearly as much fun if I had to get out in it often but for now, I’ll enjoy it. In a month or so, I’ll be ready for the snow to stop and spring to appear. Just wish I could have spring without having to have summer!
Angie says
I have 3 doxies with all very different personalities. Emmie the oldest loves to be under fleece blankets or quilts. Raven and Brutus Beefcake are long haired doxies and don’t want to be under any cover. While Raven will paw the throws and make a nest to sleep on, Brutus prefers to sleep stretched out as far as his little body will go. Emmie had to have a huge bladder stone removed and was put in a collar of shame. Poor thing couldn’t get comfortable. I put her in the dog’s crate and she cried. Finally gave up and put her in bed with us and she got under a throw and cuddled as close as she could get to me, then slept all night. I had to wake her up to walk and back to bed she went.right now she’s asleep in a chair beside my husband with both covered by a fleece.
I just love my fur babies and their different personalities. says
Poor baby. I sure hope she heals and is back to normal soon.
Carolyn says
I had to laugh when you said we lose our sense of reason when we get older, that’s why we’re back up to six cats again! The snow does look beautiful on those pine trees! We’ve had about two inches of snow on the ground since Monday and I’m ready for it to be gone, but we’re supposed to get a dusting to an inch tonight to pretty it up again which will be nice since I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow. Hope you’re getting a lot of stitching done with the snow on the ground!
jdcoffer says
Ahhh, how neat! Ryan Hall y’all-o-meter! I was going to order one, but we haven’t had snow here in a long time and wouldn’t you know it, we’re supposed to get some tonight! says
I love Ryan and his crew. I don’t think we had measurable snow last year but I felt like this might be the year we could use it so I got Vince one for Christmas. We’re at that age where we buy each other the things we really want. Vince will never tromp out in the snow to put that thing in the snow but I will! 🙂
Sandi B says
Our springers LOVED the snow. The deeper the better. It was so much fun to see their joyous abandon as they ran and tunneled in it. Thank you for sharing the boys and their antics with us.
justquiltin says
WOW – we barely got a dusting to cover the sidewalk today and Sunday maybe an inch predicted but could be less. You definitely are having a snowier winter than I am but I’m glad to let you have it. 🙂 says
We’ve had more snow this winter than we’ve had in several years. Thankfully, it isn’t feet of snow and melts before the next batch arrives. Still messy for a short dog though! 🙂
Joyce says
I like to check out all the critter tracks in my yard. The bunny tracks are everywhere! There must be one pudgy one, because there are belly drag marks from one of them. There are also a lot of deer tracks. It’s interesting to see where they go in the yard. says
Yes, and it’s very easy to find where they’re coming in. So far, the deer haven’t jumped our fence but there’s probably a possum or raccoon, as well as several rabbits coming in. Vince said he will fix the spots next week.