Maybe you had to be here but this was really funny. The background is that Vince and I do not read the same news, the same Facebook pages, the same books or magazines. We’re really from two different planets – you know — Venus and Mars! 🙂
We had just finished dinner and I was waiting to get bread out of the oven so I sat down at the table and was looking at Facebook. Vince came in and was talking and he started telling me a story about something he had read this morning. I was kinda just skimming through everything and happened on a story I thought was interesting so I was reading the whole thing and the comments. As Vince started telling me his story, I guess I had a really weird look on my face. He said “What’s wrong? Do you not believe me?” I went back to the original post and started reading it to him. He said “That’s it! That’s the story I’m talking about!” I was reading the exact story (same comments and all) that he had read earlier in the day and was sharing with me.
I guess it wouldn’t be so weird/funny except that Vince may look at Facebook once a month, if that often. He has one friend — just checked, he has four friends and I am one of them (I think). What are the chances that we are in the same group and we both read the same post AND that he’s telling me about it as I’m reading it??
OK . . we should get out more, right? 🙂