Last night when I stopped working on Red Bird Sampler, the only things I had left to do (as far as I know) are to finish the three green rows at the very bottom. Two of those rows are almost finished and the third one has to be stitched.
It’s so pretty. I have no idea why I left it sitting for long. I think I will frame it. I have a small wall that I’m intending to be a “bird” wall and this would go on that wall.
A reader posted a comment about an error and I didn’t see it til I was done stitching and then I couldn’t find it but I see it now. On the left side of the arbor, down near the bottom, the second one from the bottom, there should be a coral colored flower. I’ll fix that when I get back to stitching today.
Anyone else see anything wrong??
justquiltin says
It’s beautiful!
Nancy Hardgrove says
That’s such a pretty chart, love the colors! says
Thank you. The reds are beautiful, especially with the aquas.
dawninnl says
If you look at the rose (?) On the left, level with the P, it is different from the other 3.