There was no way we could have brought Cat here. There’s a busy road very close. Cat would never have been an inside cat so I know we did the right thing but I still miss her. The people who bought the house were happy to have an outside cat and promised to take care of her.

I spent probably five years trying to tame her. We went from thinking we saw a cat but then she disappeared, to seeing her strolling across the driveway but if we made a sound, she was gone; to where she would hop up on the chair and sit on my lap for 5 seconds but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t try to touch her or even act like I was going to touch her. By the time I left, I could stand very still and she would rub on my legs for 10 minutes or so. If I cleared my throat or grunted – any sound at all and she was gone.
Another 5 years and I think I could have been able to pet her on my lap.
I think about her all the time and she’s about the only thing I miss from Texas. About . . I miss my fig trees.
Dottie Newkirk says
Loved all the stories about Cat – she really loved y’all even when she didn’t necessarily show it (she was a bit spoiled, too – I remember the one story about Vince making her a “heated” area when it got cold). says
Yes, she had her heated house built way up off the ground so she was safe and had a good view of her surroundings. I do miss her.
Sheryl says
Vanessa has a long-haired Tortie I got from Beth. Bubbles was feral and we had to trap (Have a Heart trap) her. Vanessa has had her over a year and she has finally gotten to the point of getting on the bed and letting them pet her. Maybe Cat will get to that point with her new family. says
Is Bubbles totally an inside cat? I wonder if Cat took so long because she was outside and maintained her “feral” lifestyle. Yes, I do hope she’s having a good life and they love her.
Rebecca L says
.That’s a nice picture of her. I’ll bet you had to zoom in, though!
How is Boots? It seems like the boys need pretty constant monitoring, so you must not get into the sewing room much! says
The dogs end up in the crates at least some part of each day and Vince is downstairs some so I’m not constantly sitting and watching them. Boots comes out but his best place for sitting and watching birds is in the sewing room with the larger windows and no dogs aggravating him so he will come out and take a nap on the back of the sofa or watch the dogs for a while. I spend some time in the sewing room every day. Boots is always happy to see me come but he’s happy to see me go too.
Rebecca L says
.”Happy to see me go” makes me chuckle. Sounds like you’ve achieved a good balance.