Two years ago we planted quite a few native food type shrubs.

I think this is nannyberry. I made a map and counted down the plants but a couple of them have died and I’m not sure now if this is a nannyberry or not. If it wasn’t a nannyberry, it would be a gooseberry and the leaves don’t look like gooseberry leaves but . . if you know what this is for sure, I’d be happy to learn. Maybe once the berries get ripe, it will be more obvious. I know that everything we planted is edible so don’t worry that I might be eating something poisonous.

These are chokecherries. We planted five or six of these but I think a couple of them have jumped out in front of the lawn mower and gotten chopped. They seem to come back up but . . same thing happens the next summer. Poor things.

This is our sumac. We have two or three of these and they’re so pretty. Our idea of planting these were for harvesting but the birds love them and get them all before we ever get them.

This is mullein that came up in front of our house. Every time Vince starts to cut the grass, I say “Watch out for the mullein!” The first time, he cut it so I put some blocks around it but now that it’s bigger, he sees it and goes around it, I hope.
Our raspberries are done for this year. They were so good. I’m going to try to root some cuttings so we can have more raspberries in a few years.
The elderberries look like they’re going to be very plentiful this year. There should be enough for the birds and for us too.
That’s all I can remember that’s growing besides the garden.
dorothymatheson says
You should cover the yarrow (at least one bunch) as they make great tea. says
I’ve already cut and dried all the yarrow we’ll need for tea this year.
justquiltin says
LOL – I always like to hear the differences in your growing season versus ours. You are already done with raspberry season, but it is only strawberry season here. The pick your own fields opened about a week ago. says
Strawberries were done probably a month ago here. Blueberries are almost done. There were still a lot of green blackberries on the vines but with temps near 100 every day, they’ll be ripe and then gone soon.
Mr. google thinks it is a Fire Cherry, at first it said elm because of the big leaf in front on the right. Got that gone and it came up with Fire Cherry. Hope this helps. says
We didn’t plant fire cherries. It’s either nannyberry or gooseberry. I’ll know once they get bigger and get ripe.
Julie Thomas says
I ran the picture through an app I have and it said it’s a Nannyberry.
Sharon says
My photo identifier on my iPhone says Nannyberry also.
Nancy H says
When we had gooseberry we also had spiky thorns so I don’t think that is gooseberry.