This is a project I started in late 2022. Teresa Kogut needed someone to stitch as much of it as possible before market. It was when we were fixing to be living in the basement while the upstairs floors were being redone. I knew I couldn’t get it finished but Teresa was ok with however much I could get done so this is as far as I got and I sent it to her to have to show at market.

I don’t think I ever worked on it again after I got it back. I love it though and will be very happy to finish it.
Here’s a question for you all: On the letters, the I, J, K . . several of them are ghosty. Teresa wanted them stitched just like the chart since she was showing it as a sample for the chart. I’m thinking I don’t want ghosty letters . . if you’re going to stitch something, it might as well show up, right? But then the flowers near the bottom right are kinda ghosty and I don’t want to change all those too.
Should I leave the ghosty letters and call it done . . move on to the next project?
I’m thinking maybe I’ll finish everything else, then deal with the letters. Suggestions are most welcome!
I would love to get this finished by the end of June. I think I can get This I Know finished by the end of June too. That would be amazing – four finishes in June!!
Pat Anderson says
I have a hard time with ghosty stuff, too. The flowers don’t look ghosty in this picture, but the letters do (to me). I would replace the letter color and leave the flowers…just MHO! says
Thanks. I think that’s what I’ll do. says
Thank you. I think because there are a few of the white stitches together on the flowers, they show up better than the single stitches in the letters. I will change those letters.
Sherry says
I agree with Pat. I think the flowers look great, (it all looks great), but I would replace the letter color as well.
Jean in PA says
I agree with Pat that, in the photo, the letters ghost but the flowers do not. Having the stems, leaves and red centers help the flowers to stand out more, I guess. I would change the letters and not the flowers.
Liz says
Replace the letters so you are happy with the look. Perhaps make J and L to be a different color. Leave the flowers as is but perhaps do an outline in a pink or lighter red. The other flowers look like there is a slight outline.
ginnyclyne says
I agree with Liz. I think outlining the flowers would look great. Just replace the letter with a different color.
Angie says
As stated in other comments, I would change the letters and leave the flowers. You could outline the flowers if you want them to stand out more.
Andrea in MO says
I agree that the letters I-M and R are difficult to see. I would redo them. The flowers are a little more visible. Maybe because they are several stitches wide? I like your plan of finishing the whole thing and then deciding. Maybe you could do a single strand outline?
Julie Thomas says
I agree too. The flowers look nice, but I prefer darker letters. I’m glad you are finishing this.
Dottie Newkirk says
I agree with Pat, too.
I would keep the gostly letters but outline them (only) with a darker thread, The gostly flowers are OK.