My poor kombucha scoby has been neglected for months. I left it sitting in a batch of fermenting tea and I think once I added fresh tea.

Look how thick it grew to be.
Monday I made fresh tea, pulled off a good size piece of the scoby and have it brewing up some fresh kombucha.

Probably tomorrow I’ll bottle it and start another fresh batch because the “starter” was pretty sour. I’ll taste it and see what I think but this first batch may be a bit strong. I need to take better care of my scoby!
Sheryl says
…I’m glad to see your kombucha! I bottled my last batch yesterday. I flavored it with elderberry syrup that I bought at the local farmers market. It is so fizzy and good. Because I love a little sweetness in it, I added a few drops of organic stevia. Yum! says
I’m going to bottle mine today and, after reading your email, I’m adding elderberry syrup which I made from lastly year’s elderberries.