Once the floss was organized, I was ready to do a conversion and pull the floss for No Bees by Birds of a Feather.
I started by pulling the called for floss. I pulled the Gentle Art floss if I had it and if not, I pulled DMC. In the photo below, you can see the called for floss on the left of each pair and the floss on the right is the Victorian Motto that I pulled.
Those are pretty good matches, don’t you think.
I kinda ran into one problem.
The green in the middle is variegated. At the bottom, it’s a bit different from the right skein but near the top, they’re almost exactly the same color. I don’t even know if these two colors will be next to each other but if they are, and if I want them to be a bit more different, I pulled this middle skein to substitute for the above middle skein.
There’s a bit more contrast – not a lot. Once I start stitching, I may change that center green again or I may go back to the previous variegated color and use it for both greens. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Some of you are probably thinking . . why didn’t she just use the called for floss since she had it? I think it’s fun to convert to a different floss. I like it when I can get an almost perfect match using a different floss, whether it’s converting DMC to fancy floss or whether it’s going from fancy floss or DMC to silk. I also like to do a bit of changing with some of the colors, which I didn’t do on this piece. I’m not so brave when it comes to making those drastic changes.
I will be stitching No Bees on the bottom of the Faith, Hope, Love and Charity piece. You can see that the floss I pulled should all show up on this linen (Athos by Tropical Stitches).
Sherry Bobak says
I love that chart and that silk floss is gorgeous but way out of my budget. Can’t wait to see it finished!
justquiltin says
Great chart – and lovely matches with the Victorian Motto flosses!