Yesterday I was out working in the garden and took a few pictures to share. I have seven 4′ x 8′ raised beds and four 4′ x 4′ raised beds.
The garlic is doing so good this year. Even though we’ve had some cold weather, we’ve had a very early and very warm spring so I’m hoping that means my garlic will be ready earlier than normal. Last year I had one 4 x 8 raised bed of garlic. This year I have two 4 x 8 beds and one 4 x 4 raised bed of garlic so it’s taking up a lot of real estate in the garden.

We do love garlic. I had to be somewhat conservative with using it this year and we did run out about a month ago. Also, I have probably 10 bulbs to Nicole to plant. I’m hoping since I more than doubled what I had planted last year, this will be enough to get us through.

The walking onions are doing great. You can see they have walked right out of their raised bed and are now growing directly in the yard. That’s ok. I get so many green onions from these things.

I have 12 grow bags of potatoes. Each bag has 5 seeds in it so I’m hoping for lots of potatoes.

The potatoes are coming up nicely.

The peas are Lillian Caseload and they’re doing good. They will start climbing up the “trellis” soon. One might reach it today.

The rhubarb is doing great. When I first planted the rhubarb, I didn’t have an extra raised bed so I planted it in a bed in the front but it got way too much sun there so I’ve gradually been moving it from the front bed to this back bed. The one in the front right is one I transplanted last week. It seems to be doing fine so I moved another one today. Once I know it’s going to be ok, I’ll move another one. I don’t want to risk moving them all at once and losing all of them. There are two that are really big in the front and they have already gotten too big to move. They get a bit of shade so I’m going to leave those two and be sure to move them in late winter or very early spring next year.

The horseradish. It has really grown!
There’s one more 4 x 8 raised bed that I just planted with 1500 Year Old Cave Beans but since there was nothing to see, I didn’t take a picture of that bed.

These are the bins where I will plant sweet potatoes in a bit over a month. Vince is going to take the wood off the one on the right and add new boards, then I’ll stain both of them to match the fence. A neighbor made these and gave them to me when they were moving.

These are bags of broccoli and Brussels sprouts with a very prolific crop of dead nettle behind them. I’m going to harvest enough of that to fill the freeze dryer today. The dogs don’t go up on there so I feel like it’s pretty safe to consume. 🙂

These are the elderberries. I can’t believe how fast these grow and how much they produce. I planted them here in the fall of 2020.
Once the garlic is done, I’ll plant purple hull peas in one of the 4 x 8 beds and lady finger cream peas in the other 4 x 8 bed and in the 4 x 4 bed. The lady finger cream peas take 70 days to mature. The purple hull peas take 65 days to mature so if I plant those the middle of June, they should be ready by the end of August and, depending on how I feel about the garden at that point, I may have time to get in a late planting of a second crop of those.
Tomatoes, peppers, squash, pumpkins and cucumbers will get planted in another couple of weeks.