This is the little book that toured southwest Missouri before coming to live with us!

I love Little Mountain Ranch on Youtube. I watched this video and someone had sent her this Amish Cooking cookbook. I knew I HAD to have this cookbook. She showed several things that were in the cookbook and it did look good so I found it at a used bookstore online and ordered it.
Yesterday it arrived and I couldn’t put it down. It is such a treasure! Not only are there some amazing looking recipes in there but there were little tidbits that made me want to know the people who had this book . . at least know about them, but I will never know.
This is written in the front cover.

There are several handwritten recipes (LONG recipes) on a few blank pages in the back.

There were several handwritten pages tucked in between pages of the book.

I love Tabouli Salad and we have it often. In fact, we’re having it today but I don’t put celery in mine. I use mint and this recipe doesn’t have mint.
One thing I thought was funny/odd – on the canning groups on Facebook, there are often discussions/debates about canning low acid foods by water bathing them for 3 hours. I would never do that, and I would never recommend it and if anyone I knew was doing it, I’d try to convince them not to do it and I’m usually pretty much “to each his own”. Many of the people say they’ve done it forever, their grandmas did it. Apparently in other countries, it’s very common. My grandma used a pressure canner. It may be ok to do it but I’ll never do it. Anyway, almost all the canning recipes for low acid foods say to “Boil in hot water bath for 3 hours”. Don’t do it . . please but that is absolutely the first time I’ve ever seen it written in a book.
Another thing . . this book was apparently first published in 1977 and had the fourteenth reprinting in 1993. I see one on Amazon that has a publication date of 1986. Either they’re making very small printings or it’s been quite popular. I think this is going to be one of my favorite cookbooks.
Sharon says
I have never seen a Tabouleh recipe with celery in it. I have substituted zucchini for the cucumber when a couple of friends coming over who can’t eat cucumbers. I also love tabouleh. says
I wonder if she meant cucumber.
Sharon says
Maybe that’s right. Especially since it’s a hand written recipe.