With prices going up every day (or so it seems), we’re trying to pay more attention to what we buy. Unless there’s something I really need, there are just some things I will not buy. There are things I will buy whether they’re on sale or not. A few weeks ago, I found “cotton candy grapes” at Aldi. They were not on sale and were more than I would usually pay but they looked interesting so I bought them. They were delicious but not something I will buy often because of the price.
We aren’t going to go without but we are being more careful.
Every week, I make a menu in advance. In the past, if there was something Vince had asked for, that would go on the menu. If there was a recipe I wanted to try, that went on the menu. A couple of weeks ago, I changed the way I do things.
- I’m only buying groceries every 10 – 14 days.
- I rarely have anything on my list.
- I printed up this sheet and I write down on it everything I buy that will be used until I go to the grocery store again.
- When I get home, this list goes up on the fridge.
- As I use something, I mark it off the list. That way, I can see what hasn’t been used and make sure everything does get used.

It will be at least 10 days before I go back to the store. The cabbage, broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes are enough for at least two meals. Like I said, we will have some kind of beans at each meal, along with a salad.
As far as salads, there’s enough spinach and Romaine for several salads, enough avocados for eating on sandwiches and making guacamole. I have lettuce growing so we can have tossed green salads several meals.
There’s meat in the freezer or canned so we’ll see how long this kind of planning works.
Pat Anderson says
I don’t plan anything…never have. I shop by BOGO (thankful for Publix!) and what’s on sale. I admire your organization, but I have no intention of emulating it!