This is kind of a rant but I’m also laughing about it.
I’ve been noticing with the stove that when I have oil in a skillet, it isn’t level. A month or so ago, I asked Vince to bring a level in and we put it on the stove top and everything seemed to be level. I changed skillets and the oil was never level but worse on the left front.
Yesterday morning I had butter in a skillet to cook eggs and it was all on one side. I told himself . . when everything cools down, I’m going to figure out what’s going on.
I figured it out. They used these little rubbery “pins” along the front and back and that’s what the grates sit on. The ones on the front, because I use the front burners more, have all melted! The one on the front right has melted and completely disappeared!
Tell me why they would put something that would melt so close to the heat? Really makes me wonder about . . I don’t even know what . . the brain power of someone who came up with the idea and whomever approved the idea; the quality of other stuff on the stove; how many other people have experienced the same thing; how many have those little pins melting and don’t even know it.
We have an extended warranty so Vince said he would call them. Here’s how that works. We will get an email from the adjusting company which basically says “we have your claim”. In a few days . . up to 14 days, we will get another email asking us questions. Then they will decide if this will get elevated to a phone call asking us questions. Then they will decide if it’s covered and, if it is, they will send the claim to a local repairman and within 10 days, we will get a call from the repairman to schedule a service call.
Vince had the appliance store on the phone and I was listening to all that . . email, email, call, call, then they will decide if it’s covered. I couldn’t believe it . . though I should have expected it. We’ve had the stove almost 2.5 years. I don’t remember what we paid for it but the new ones are about $3,500 . . and parts are melting on them.
I went back in the kitchen and Vince got off the phone and called me to come see what he found.

On Amazon, you can get a package of 24 for about $7.00. We ordered two packages. There are six of these little pegs on the front and six in the back. Vince said if we use 6 every two years, these will last us 8 years. I said “Then we can get a new stove!” He said “We won’t be living here in 8 years.” Hmm . . I don’t know about that but at least we know that these are available and we don’t have to deal with the warranty to get them.
Pat Anderson says
Wow….great customer service. My favorite customer service call I ever made was only to hear a recording that said, “In order to serve you better, please call back later.” It seems to get worse every year! says
That’s hilarious but probably would not have been so hilarious if I had been the one making that call.
DebMac says
I’ve been looking for a new stove for a couple of years. Imagine my amazement when so many people comment on how the knobs melt from the ovens heat. Planned obsolescence pays well.
DebMac says
And what gives with a “power” burner that can heat 10 gallons of water in 10 seconds but can’t be used to fry an egg because it won’t go low enough or the small burner that won’t boil water at high heat or for that matter, heat up alfredo sauce in less than 15 minutes. Just bring back 4 decent burners that I can use for everything. And don’t get me going about getting rid of gas stoves. OK, now my rant is over. Your turn again, Judy. says
Exactly! To get enough BTUs to do the things I need to do, there’s no burner I can cook an egg on. Many times, I bring my little electric hot plate in and cook eggs on that. I remember the stove my grandma had. It was BIG. Had four burners and nothing was crowded. You could take something out of the oven and sit it on the middle section of the stove. Nothing fancy. It wasn’t self cleaning, didn’t air fry, didn’t sing me a song on special days but it cooked. She canned on it, she cooked eggs on it. The oven was huge. I want my stove to cook everything I want to cook on it. I’ll use my radio for music and my $100 air fryer for air frying! Nope, that would be too simple.
The stove in the basement (which was a replacement for one damaged in delivery – the one we purchased was super cheap – I just needed a stove for canning) is a decent stove, doesn’t do nearly everything the one upstairs does but will cook on low and has plenty of power for canning. I think the price on it was half (or less) what we paid for the one in the kitchen. says
Yes and I’m short so when I reach up to the cabinets above the stove, I often lean on the knobs without realizing it (I try not to now) but the last stove I had, all the knobs broke on the inside and had to be replaced. It was something like $90 for the six knobs. I have a wall oven so I mostly try to use that inside of the one on the stove because I had heard about the knobs melting. Isn’t that crazy??
Dot says
Stoves are designed by people who don’t cook. Years ago I had a gas stove whose chrome trim had tiny parallel grooves. Great for hiding scratches, and great at collecting grease. I had to clean it with a toothbrush.
ginnyclyne says
I hate the way appliances are currently made! They fall apart before you know it and if you financed the item before it was paid off. We had a washing machine for 20 plus years and the new ones you are lucky if they last between 5 and 7 years. This is supposed to be an improvement. says
You are so right and as consumers, we have no choice but to accept what we can get. The stove that was here when we bought the house is the one from when the house was built in 2003. I would have kept it except I wanted gas. Chad’s stove was having some issues so he took that one and it just went out a couple of months ago so it lasted 21 years. I’ll be very happy if the one I have now lasts 10 years. says
I do love my stove but you’re right. There are so many places that I cannot just wipe down without taking a toothpick to get into crevices and a toothbrush to get around screws that are exposed. People who approve these designs should have to use them for a month and cook every day and make splattering messes!
Sandi B says
I had to order replacements for ours, too. They didn’t melt, but one disappeared! Crazy stuff!! says
The guy I talked to yesterday asked if we bought it during the pandemic. Yes, it was ordered in 2020 and arrived in 2021. He said something like . . because of severe shortages, they used some parts that aren’t holding up. That makes you feel good!