This is a problem of having too many projects started, as well as not labeling. I’m trying to do better but I’m always trying to do better at something.

For weeks, this project in a frame kept calling out to me. Every time I would go to get a project from the bin, or replace a project in a bin, I would glance at this project and I didn’t have a clue what it was. I kept telling myself I had to figure it out. Finally, one night last week, it was almost bedtime and I told myself . . I am going to figure this out tonight!
In my mind, I felt like it was a Hands Across the Sea project so I looked at the Hands Across the Sea website and tried to figure it out. I could not find it. I went through one of my bins labeled “Hands Across the Sea” and it wasn’t in there. I looked at my spreadsheets for any Hands Across the Sea chart I had listed. Nope, not there either. It was getting too late and I had to go to bed without figuring it out.
I had ordered a shelf unit to put in the downstairs bedroom. It arrived. A few days ago, Vince put it together for me and I want that shelf unit to mostly be about cross stitching. I have a basket with my label maker, little photo printer, along with the extra photo paper and extra spools of labels in there. I have a basket with floss tag supplies and labels, along with various size hole punches. I have my journals all in there, along with the books of stickers I use. I was was stacking the notebooks that I have with info on my charts. One of them caught my attention and I looked through it and found this!

There it was! Because of You by Hands Across the Sea. I had changed the red border to a blue border so seeing my piece and seeing the chart . . I wasn’t putting the two together. I was very thankful I had created my little floss conversion note and stuck it in there.
Next I went to Pattern Keeper where I was sure I would have this chart. Nope, not there. That meant I had to find my chart and it wasn’t any of the places I thought it should be. Not in the Hand Across the Sea bin. Not on my X-Stitch app. Not on my Cross Stitch Charts spreadsheet. I said to myself . . I’ve looked for this long enough . . just buy another chart. But, it was $26 and with shipping, would have been over $30. Not doing that. Then I went to the Hands Across the Sea website to see if they have a pdf. Yes, they do. Then I thought . . if I bought the PDF, it would be in my Dropbox. Checked there and found it.

Next . . would I ever find the floss? I did! It was on my Vikki Clayton floss shelf.

The frame is now labeled so I shouldn’t have to go through all this again. I’m going to spend a few days working on this project because it has been neglected for too long.
Tracy says
– You have become a detective of sorts, your line of reasoning is very logical to a fellow cross stitcher. says
The detective work takes away way too much time from my stitching so if I can get and stay organized, that will help me tremendously.
Pat Anderson says
You are setting such a good example for me!
Joyce says
Sounds like you should add an extra note on the project of “have pdf” or “only have printed chart”. It would save a little searching time if you know you have a pdf. says
GREAT idea. Thank you!!