Yesterday I finished everything on This I Know except the grass fill in and I stitched around it to measure for the frame. You can’t see the outline I stitched because it’s done in yellow thread. It’s just a basted line and that’s the line that I measure across to get the frame size and I also use that line for folding the fabric over the foam board to insert into the frame. I’ve measured, in this case about 5/8″ from the stitching all the way around so if I line that based thread up on the edge of the foam board, all should be great.

It looks a bit crooked but it isn’t . . it’s because it’s still in the frame and kinda draping to get the whole thing in the photo.
You know that I don’t take a piece of fabric off the frame until the whole piece is used up. I’ve already stitched two other things on this piece but I have 9.5″ (high) x 18.5″ (wide) that’s left at the top. Each of these will be about 6″ x 4.5″. If I stitched them sideways, I could get Autumn, Winter and Spring across this piece of fabric but I think my brain would explode trying to stitch them sideways.

These each take only three colors of DMC. My eye tells me there’s more than three colors in this chart but . . I know there isn’t. Lying eyes! 🙂

I decided to stitch Winter Cometh and Autumn Provides by Summer House Stitche Workes. They also have Spring Awakens and Summer Refreshes. I will stitch Spring Awakens, though I don’t have the chart yet. I don’t think I will stitch Summer because I do not like Summer. The chart is beautiful . . the season . . not so much to me. I think if I stitched it, every time I looked at it I would feel a bit hypocritical since I just do not like Summer and don’t even want to be reminded that it’s coming.
I may hang Winter Cometh up in about July just to remind me that summer isn’t staying forever . . although it surely seems like it some years. Anyone think I’ll have this fully finished before Winter, 2024? 🙂
Anyway, I got both Autumn and Winter loaded into the Mark Up app. I’m not sure what my stitching plans are. I can’t take This I Know off the frame til I get these two stitched but there are several others I want to work on. I feel like it’s ok to start new projects that are on fabric already on a frame because it’s an effort to get some frames emptied but working on anything already on a frame would be a good thing!
Susan Nixon says
Hi Judy