Cooper is full of energy and mischief but he’s the sweetest little dog. I’ve never had one that was this sweet. He loves to snuggle and be as close to us as he can get. He had been sitting with Vince is his chair in the evenings.

I think he and Oscar like the reclining sofa and Cooper has moved over and he and Oscar sleep on the leg part of the sofa while I’m stitching.
Last night Cooper kept putting his head on the stitching frame and it wasn’t easy to stitch but who wants to disturb a sleeping pup. I looked over to see how he was sleeping because he doesn’t usually have his head on my frame.

He was sleeping on his back, with his back feet in the air. You can barely see Oscar’s spots in the top left of the photo. They run and play and fight all day but when it’s time to go to sleep, they want to be close together.