Look at all the blooms on the plum tree!

It’s terribly windy out there and I couldn’t get a great picture but that little tree is loaded. There’s still plenty of time for a freeze that could ruin everything but for a tree that’s been in the ground two years, I’m happy. There’s another plum tree that’s about two weeks behind this one so there’s hope!
The elderberries have leaves so that makes me happy. Vince trimmed them back a couple of weeks ago and stuck probably 20 or more of the cuttings in the ground and all the ones I’ve checked have a few leaves already. One can never have too many elderberries.
Spring is such an exciting time, even though I know . . it isn’t really spring yet so these plants are all getting a bit ahead of themselves with the warm weather we’ve been having.
And, speaking of warm, after our last electric bill (apparently our solar panels have decided to hibernate during the winter), I swore I wasn’t turning the a/c on til at least May but .. inside the house was 81 about an hour ago and I told Vince . . I’m turning the a/c on! Vince did check the solar panels and all are working and sending power back to the grid but we had so many gray days the past six weeks or so . . hence the high electric bill. I’m thankful we have the money to pay the bill but I feel very badly for those struggling to pay these high bills.