This post has Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase any of the items, I’ll make a very small commission but feel free to purchase (or not purchase) any of these items wherever you find them.
A couple of weeks ago when I finished all the main stitching on This I Know, I looked at the page I had printed that had the key on it. Since I mostly stitch with Vikki Clayton Silks, I print the key that has all the symbols, then when I keep that page handy and can cross reference the color to the corresponding color of Vikki Clayton’s silks. After keeping that one sheet of paper next to me for months some times, it’s pretty tattered and had lots of scribbling on the front and the back is even more interesting. Since I’m often watching youtube videos while stitching, I’ve jotted down full recipes, links to videos, things to add to grocery lists, charts I’ve seen that I would like, videos to reference of things people changed on charts, I sometimes watch medical videos and I would write down things I wanted to do more research on.
I went over those notes as best I could and made better notes, typed out recipes I wanted to save and put that sheet of paper back in the project bag.
Too often I’ll have a great idea, write it down, or even do some math for changes and then one of the dogs will grab the paper and shred it before I can get it back or I write a recipe on that sheet, take it upstairs and lose it.
The other night when I was writing in my journal, a thought came to me – get a small tablet and keep it in each project bag. Take notes about that project in that tablet and I’ll always have it handy.

I found these notebooks online at Walmart. There are 48 of these for $21.99; they’re 4″ x 4″, with 24 sheets in each one. The paper is unlined and they’re by Paper Junkie. I found these that are similarly priced but 4.3″ x 5.6″, also with 24 pages. You can get 24 of these for $14.39 so they’re a bit more expensive but if you have Amazon Prime and don’t have Walmart Plus (free shipping), the ones on Amazon may be less. Then there are these that have plain brown paper covers, are 4.1″ x 5.7″, you get 100 of those for $22.99. Each of those notebooks has 52 pages. There are many options if you like this idea.
My plan is to put one notebook in each project bag.

I will take a photo of the chart cover using the Kodak Mini Printer. I’ve had this little photo printer for two years and have used the heck out of it. It’s definitely something I will replace if it stops working.
Also, if there’s anyone else other than those listed who are stitching this with us, please let me know and I’ll add you to the list.

Once I’ve finished this project, I’m sure there will be plenty of blank pages remaining in the book so I’ll put a tab for the next project and add it to another project bag.
Once the book is full, I’ll make a little collage of the photos of the projects included in this book and stick it onto the front, then I’ll save all these notebooks in case I need to go back and check to see about anything I might have changed or done differently from the chart.
JustGail says
The notebooks in each bag are a nice idea. Instead of tabs that can catch on things or break off, what about running a line of washi tape down the edge of the page for the next project? says
Much better idea. Thank you!!