One little dandelion blossom has made me smile for days! These days, most everything around here is dead and brown . . see my beloved elderberry bushes just below the deck.
But there’s one little dandelion on the hill next to the house that is blooming.
See it there among the dead grass/weeds?
The dogs love going up this little hill and this dandelion has been blooming for several days. Last night, when I went to bed, it was 17 degrees outside and my first thought was . . I should have put some straw or something around the dandelion. Then I laughed thinking that all my life, until a few years ago, I thought terrible thoughts about dandelions in my yard and worked so hard to get rid of them. In the past few years, I’ve learned of the benefits of the greens and things I can concoct with the flowers and now I’m pampering them and hoping they grow.
Don’t worry . . the dandelions that grow on the hill where the dogs like to go . . they will not be harvested and eaten! On the other hand, as many wild critters as there are around here, the ones where the dogs have been are probably the safest and cleanest.
Paula Nordt says
Down here, they are also the first source of nectar in the Spring for our honey bees.
DebMac says
I have to admit, dandelions are one of my favorite flowers. Just so cheerful! My grandson and I were bemoaning having no snow for Christmas and he was calling it a brown Christmas. I had to point out that we were in fact having a green Christmas. Lots of rain and a few days of warmer temps really made the grass turn green. I better go look for dandelions.