In this post I wrote about the Blessings Sampler. I almost chose Long May She Wave but went with Strawberry Harvest, which I will probably call Keep Life Simple throughout this entire project.

The linen is 40 Count Legacy by Picture This Plus. I’m using some called for floss. Some colors I substituted because either I didn’t have them or the called for floss or the called for color didn’t show up on my linen. I may change that ecru to white or a barely off white for the sheep.
The linen has some lighter and some darker spots. I’m trying to do a bit of calculations and see if I can get the sheep on a darker spot. We’ll see how that goes.
I will probably start this just after midnight . . as soon as it officially becomes January 1.
It’s actually a fairly small project – on 40 count, it should finish at 5-7/8″ x 5-7/8″. Since Picture This Plus linen is so tight, I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t turn out a bit smaller.