Yes, I know there are other projects starting before Leap Year but yesterday Denise and I were chatting and she mentioned that she was thinking about doing a Leap Year Stitch. She said something like “Does that mean it’s ok to take four years to stitch it since it will be four years before the next February 29?” She just wrote this post about her Leap Year Project and you can see her post here.
As I was going through the ottoman today, there were some BIG projects in there and I thought . . I’ll never get those done but then I started thinking about those bit charts and decided . . that’s how I’ll tackle one of those big charts. I’ll divide whichever one I choose to do into four quarters and I will finish one quarter per year and, come February, 2028 maybe I’ll have this project finished!
Here are three charts and I will choose one of those. You may want to click on the links to see better photos. I was sitting on the floor without much light taking these pictures, not planning on sharing them.
The first is GH 1857 by Atelier Soed Idee. The stitch count on this one is 301 x 294. Stitched on 40 count, this would be 15″ x 14-3/4″.

I’m not sure what I was thinking but the most used floss may not show up on this linen so I will take a few stitches and check it out. If it doesn’t show up well, I will change the linen. But, that’s only if I’m going to choose this design for the Leap Year Project.
Next option is Faith, Hope, Peace and Love by Teresa Kogut.

I’m leaning towards this one because I was thinking since there’s faith, hope, peace and love – four things . . then each year I could work on one area of my life – being more faithful, more hopeful, more peaceful and more loving.
The stitch count is 264 x 320. Stitched on 40 count, this one would be 13-1/4 x 16.
The third and final option is Heaven & Nature by Teresa Kogut. The stitch count on this one is 284 x 360 and on 40 count linen, it would be 14-1/4″ x 18″.

I’ll be surprised if I don’t choose Faith, Hope, Peace and Love but I’d like to some day have all three of these stitches so . . I’ll think about it for a few days and by mid-January, I’ll have my mind made up.
Any thoughts?
DebMac says
I’m all for doing “Faith, Hope, Peach, Love”. It is probably my favorite of Teresa’s work. I have it kitted so maybe it will be a Leap Year project for me. says
That would be great if you would do it too.
Toni says
I vote for Faith, Hope, Peace, and Love. I like your rationale. says
I’m pretty sure that’s the one I’ll stitch.
Sherry Bobak says
I love Heaven & Nature but would never do something that large myself. I did purchase Dancer that you showed in an earlier email. says
Want to get it stitched before next Christmas?