Through the years I’ve heard of a Blessing Sampler but I’ve never stitched one. One of the Facebook groups I’m in is doing a Blessing Sampler this year and I thought I’d try it. Why not? You know how I love starting new projects!
My understanding is that stitchers would start a new sampler on January 1 and finish it by January 31 and if they did that . . they would have good luck the entire year. Of course, I don’t believe that if I finish it by January 31, that will bring good luck and I don’t believe if I don’t finish it, that will bring bad luck but I love the challenge of trying to stitch the whole thing in January.
The only requirement for the group project is that either length or width has to be at least 100 stitches.
These are the charts I’ve pulled that are in the “maybe” group.
This one is Be Kind Always by Heartstring Samplery. I love Beth Twist and I love the sentiment of this sampler. It says “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you can’t see. Be kind. Always.” How true! The stitch count is 171 x 171. It’s a lot of stitching for one month but I’ll never know til I try, right?

The second one is Strawberry Harvest by Stitches Through the Years. I cannot find it online right now but I’ve stitched a couple of charts by Stitches Through the Years and have loved them all. It’s 117 x 117 so it’s a bit smaller than the first one and “Keep Life Simple” is a good practice.

The third one I’ve pulled is Long May She Wave, also by Heartstring Samplery. The stitch count on this one is 140 x 99. These last two are pretty close to the same size as far as stitch count goes. This one is kinda calling to me. With just two colors, it would definitely be the fastest one to stitch and I do want to have it on my patriotic wall (that only exists in my dreams at this time).

There are still several days before the start date so I could change my mind. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Linda Gabor says
I tried to subscribe again but keeps saying my email is not valid. says
I’m afraid something still isn’t right. Kayla will work on it when she has a chance. Thanks for being patient.
Cheryl R says
I like the “keep life simple” chart the best! I don’t mind not getting the emails – I have your page bookmarked and check it every evening! Love to read your posts. says
Thank you! I do like Keep Live Simple too and I probably will try to stitch it this year but I think I’ll do Long May She Wave for the Blessings Project because (1) I can stitch it on the linen I have in the frame for the “smalls” projects and (2) with only two colors of floss, I should be able to get it done quickly. But . . hopefully you’ll see Keep Life Simple again in 2024.
Thanks for having the blog bookmarked and continuing to read even though it hasn’t been easy lately.