Oscar cracks me up. I should get an award for being able to write so many blog posts about that one dog’s nails. And, I don’t even have to cut his back nails. He keeps those worn down on the concrete. Yesterday I was going to cut Cooper’s nails. He’s gotten to where he fights with me a bit when I try to cut his nails. I figured we can work past this or I can let it get worse and then I’ll be dealing with another dog acting like Oscar when I cut his nails so yesterday I held Cooper, served him a treat off the top of the nail cutters, kept talking to him . . very calmly and, while he wasn’t loving it, I cut all the nails on his front feet. I didn’t bother to look at the back feet because I’m probably going to have to get Vince to hold him if I have to cut those. Anyway, as soon as Oscar realized I was going to cut Cooper’s nails, he took off and ran behind the sofa til it was over. The funny thing was that later last night, I wanted to cut Oscar’s nail. I try to do one per night just so he expects it and doesn’t start putting up a fuss again. I always trim just one nail and he always gets a treat (which is a piece of dog food). I was expecting, after he took off and hid while I was cutting Cooper’s nails, that he would give me a hard time but . . not at all. He didn’t try to yank his foot back or anything. Whichever side is easier to get to is the foot I pick a nail from and trim it. Why would he hide when I cut Cooper’s nails and then not even give me a hard time when I cut his nails??

Here they were sitting together again yesterday. Not exactly snuggled up close together but, at least for the picture, Oscar wasn’t showing his teeth and growling.

Cooper is the sweetest little guy. I can’t get over how much he loves to snuggle. He plays so hard and then he’s ready to be on someone’s lap for a nap; then it’s back to play time and then he’s looking for a lap again. I hope he never grows out of wanting to snuggle.