How’s that for one blog post covering most of our day.
Our bank has a Christmas lunch every year. This is our third Christmas here and the first time we’ve gone. Wait . . I guess it was Christmas, 2021 when the virus was still running rampant and they had it set up with a drive through of sorts where you picked it all up to go. We did that so, I guess we just missed 2022. So, we went today. We sat by a very nice couple and she had spent about 30 years living just a couple of miles from our house but now they live down south of the interstate.
The bank had a photographer there taking pictures. I rarely share pictures of myself . . in fact, there are few pictures of me because I’m always the one taking the pictures but . . here we are. Don’t ask me why the gray in both of our hair looks yellow . . looks like I did a homemade highlighting job and a bad one at that. Both of our gray is about the color of Vince’s mustache. There were taking pictures in a glassed in foyer and I guess that’s why his glasses were dark. On a positive note, it’s a beautiful, sunny, only slightly cool day. It was a great day to be out. December weather can be cold and drizzly a lot of the time.

We left the lunch and went by Hobby Lobby. We both needed a couple of things from there. As we were checking out, Vince said “That lady over there with the fluffy hair reminds me of you.” To Vince, curly hair is fluffy hair. I looked at her and didn’t see anything that resembled how I see myself so I kinda looked at him like . . I don’t see it. He said “Watch her. She smiles at everyone. She’s so happy. Everything she pulls out of the cart, she smiles like . . I can’t wait to get home and make something!” That sounds like a very nice compliment coming from Vince . . for the stranger and for myself. I watched her for a second and she probably did have some of the same mannerisms and expressions that I have.
We got in the car and as we were backing out, she was walking down the row we were on. Vince said “There she is again!” I said “Stop. Let me meet her. I need a happy friend!” He didn’t stop but she got towards the end of the row. Stopped, looked around. She had no idea where she had parked . . which is what I do every time except at Walmart where, thankfully, they have poles at the end of each row with a number on them so when I get out of the car, I look up, make a mental note of what row I’m parked on and most of the time, I remember the row number when I get outside.
The happy lady walked over another row and she was still looking like “Where the heck did I park my car?” Vince said “You two are just alike!” We drove off and left her. Maybe in some ways we are just alike but I’ll never know because I didn’t get to meet her. It was funny though.
Pat Anderson says
Believe me when I say that was a wonderful compliment! Too bad you didn’t get to introduce yourself to her. Great pic of both of you but the gold highlights do look a bit weird. A good photo app would easily fix that though. Sounds like a nice bank! says
Yes, but it’s actually a 5 x 7 print for framing that they gave us so I’m not going to mess with trying to fix it and then get it printed again. I don’t think it looks quite as bad (but definitely not good) in the actual photo plus the whole lower quarter in front of me has the bank’s name . . like I would want that in a frame!
vivoaks says
I will admit to losing my car in a parking lot more than once… Actually, I think that lady resembles a lot of us – me included!! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed your day, and nice to see a picture of you two! You look happy, and that’s the most important thing!! Merry Christmas!! says
There are a lot worse traits we could have. 🙂 Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too!
Nelle Coursey says
I think that was very nice of Vince to say. But he told the truth! You are exactly as he said. I love the picture! says
Thanks, Nelle. You’re too kind!
Sandi B says
Vince is such a sweetheart. You two are blessed to have each other. Love the photo! says
Thank you!
patti says
had to show hubby the pic – he and vince have the same mustache, and you don’t see many like it. my hairdresser says she can always tell who has well water because our hair is yellow from the iron. not a good look with my gray hair. she uses a purple shampoo to help some but i don’t know how much good it does. says
We don’t have well water here (wish we did!) and I use the purple shampoo. That yellow hair in the picture is crazy because Vince’s gray is WHITE. Mine isn’t nearly as white as his but it certainly isn’t golden yellow.
That’s funny about the mustasches.
Dotti says
Thank you for sharing your picture! May your holidays be MERRY!
Cindy F says
Nice to “see” you and Vince! Had to laugh about not being able to find your car in a parking lot. I’m thinking that’s better than getting into the wrong car which is something I did! To make it worse, it wasn’t even the same model as my car, just another white SUV! About the smiling…much better to go around with a smile on your face than a scowl. I like to smile too! 🙂 says
I think Vince thought that was a critical statement where I took it as a compliment. I’d much rather be smiling than thinking angry thoughts all the time. I think the lady I didn’t meet in Hobby Lobby felt the same way.
Joyce says
That is a great picture of you two, even if the grey looks yellow. You can pretend it’s blonde highlights.