I never want to sound like a commercial on here but when I use something that is so amazing that I can hardly believe how well it works, I want to share. This is an affiliate link, which means if you buy through the link, I get a bit of credit – full disclosure! 🙂
A couple of years ago someone told me about this Norwex Enviro and Window Package and I ordered it. Every time I use it, I’m totally amazed. In fact, today when I was using it, I said “Vince, you have to come watch this!” He said “You show it to me every time you use it!” I said “But . . don’t you want to see it again?” Not really . . he isn’t the window cleaner so he isn’t nearly as impressed as I am.
In Texas, where it was so dusty and windows got so dirty and I cleaned them way more than I clean them now (but probably still not enough), we had 10 almost floor to ceiling windows across the front of the house. When I would clean them, I would use almost a whole bottle of Windex and sometimes more than a whole roll of paper towels. How I wish I had known about Norwex back then!
If you search Amazon for “Norwex Window Cloth”, you will get LOTS of brands and they are all less expensive than Norwex. They may all work all the same for all I know but all I’ve used is the Norwex and I cannot imagine that any are better.

All you do, no matter how dirty the windows are is moisten the gray (enviro) cloth, wring it out as much as you can, run it across the windows, then wipe them with the lavender window cloth. That’s it. It’s really hard to believe. Absolutely no streaking!
After about four windows, I will rinse out the gray cloth, wring it out and keep going.
The windows in the garage door were pretty dirty. We live on a dirt road and the garage is on the front of the house. I don’t want to risk any grit scratching the glass (would it even do that?) so I used a damp shop rag and wiped down the windows, and the trim around the windows, then used the damp gray cloth and the dry lavender cloth. Vince was outside and all I had was my little step stool. He didn’t think I could reach the windows with that but I was able to. I think there are 15 small windows in the garage door. It took me so little time to wipe those windows with the shop rag, then clean with the two Norwex cloths that when I finished and was going in, Vince said “I’ll get the ladder for you!” I said “I’m done!” He couldn’t believe it all took about five minutes.
Same thing with the inside of the garage windows. There were cob webs and they were much dirtier than the inside windows so I used the damp shop rag to clean the dirt and cobwebs, then used the Norwex clothes.
For bathroom mirrors, when they’re fogged up and damp, I’ll sometimes wipe them down with the lavender cloth.
Last year I got this set for Nichole for Christmas. I’d say if you have someone on your Christmas list who has never used these clothes but they clean their own windows, they would be so thrilled with these cloths.
Julie A Thomas says
I love these too. I only have the purple one, but all I do is wet it and ring it out then wipe.
Toni says
Coincidental timing! We just washed our windows, inside and out, today, so they look good with the Christmas wreaths on them. I mixed up a solution of water, cornstarch, white vinegar, and ammonia in a spray bottle. First wiped with paper towels, then with a microfiber cloth. My husband was impressed with how well it worked. I’ll check these cloths out on Amazon, too.
vivoaks says
I’ve used Norwex products for years. The body cloths are great, in that you don’t need soap when you shower with them. I used the Enviro cloth and Window cloth on my husband’s car windshield last week after he complained how streaked it was from him trying to clean it. He said, “That high-tech cloth you used really worked! I don’t see any streaks at all!”
I’ve been telling him how good their products are for years ..I guess he’s finally starting to believe me! LOL!!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Never new about the body cloths or the face cloths. Just ordered some. Thanks!
Patti Tappel says
I use them too, but my favorite cloths are the face cloths. No more chemical make up removers!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thank you. Just ordered some of those.
Peggy says
Thanks for mentioning the Norwex cloths. But when I click on your link, Amazon says unavailable. They show others, but I wanted you to get credit.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That’s ok. They may have just sold out. Thanks for trying but just get any others that say Norwex. There are a lot of brands and some maybe fine but I haven’t tried them.
Cheryl Behning says
The window cloths were the very first of my Norwex addiction. The kitchen cloths are great, too.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thanks. I’m quite sure I’ll end up with several Norwex products soon.
Rebecca L says
I’ve been using e-cloth for years now. I have some chemical sensitivity, plus just hate the smells of strong cleaners. I have a bathroom cloth that I use daily on the floor of the shower (don’t even have to bend over—just wipe it around with my foot), and it stays clean! I also wipe the chrome and acrylic. In our nearly four years here, we’ve used chemical cleaners only a few times. The regular cloths are great for woodwork. I love cleaning with water!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That’s interesting. Thanks! I’m going to try it.