A question for you cross stitchers out there . . do you have a favorite linen . . one that’s so much more favorite than the others? For me, it’s XJu Designs. It just feels different and stitches up differently to me. The combination of XJu linen and Victoria Clayton silks . . I could stitch forever.

The color of this linen is Ash Rose and there’s a pink tint to it but it’s hard to photograph. I’ve committed to not buying linen and yet, I checked XJu’s stock to see if she had any more of this in 40 count. I was going to order it. So much for being strong! Luckily, there was none in stock.

Yesterday I turned this piece over to the back side and, if I say so myself, it looks pretty good. Compared to how the back sides of my pieces looked not too long ago, I’m really pleased with this.

Here’s where I left off last night. It’s so pretty. The colors are a bit washed out in the picture but they’re so pretty in real life.
My plans for today:
- Stitch the 5 lavender flowers – 4 across the top and one at the top left.
- Stitch the second row of text.
As always, there’s a good chance I won’t get that all done. It depends totally on how well the dogs play together and how many naps they take!
Nancy Hardgrove says
I like xJu as well, also Seraphim and Legacy linens. Your sampler is so pretty, so much more attractive than the cover photo. The silks are gorgeous!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thank you. I’ve used Seraphim a couple of times and had no complaints so I’m sure I liked it. I don’t know that I’ve used Legacy.