I make a lot of biscuits. We probably eat too many biscuits but . . we probably eat too much of everything. I have a theory . . I have a lot of theories. <G> I do not have a problem with eating biscuits and butter.
This blog post mentioned four of my favorite biscuit recipes. I have taken the first recipe listed and played with it just a little and that is what I now use for my biscuits.

I have this set of biscuit cutters but this cutter is my favorite because I roll or press my dough until it’s the thickness of that cutter. As I cut the dough, the top of the sides of the cutter is even with the top of my dough. I hope that makes sense.
Flaky Layered Biscuits
2 cups flour (I will suggest all purpose but I use home milled flour. You can also use bread flour – I don’t think it makes a lot of difference)
1 heaping Tablespoon baking powder
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 stick very cold (even frozen) butter
1 cup whole milk
- Preheat oven to 425. Know your oven! If it seems hotter when you’re baking, preheat it to 400.
- Using a large cast iron skillet, melt 1 T. butter.
- In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, sugar and salt.
- Grate the remaining 7 T. butter into the flour mix.
- Add milk, starting with about 3/4 of the cup. Add more if needed. Different flours absorb more milk. If using home ground flour, you may even need to add a little more milk or some water.
- Stir that all together to form a fairly sticky dough.
- Pat it out onto a lightly floured surface.
- Instead of rolling the dough, just pat it out and fold it in half. I pull the back half over the front half. Pat it out again and fold it over again. I do this a total of 3 or 4 times. You do NOT want to overwork the dough.
- Pat it out til it’s about 1″ or 1-1/4″ thick, just do as little working the dough as you can. I just eyeball how thick to make the dough – I never measure. If it’s thicker, the biscuits will be bigger and take a bit longer to cook. If it’s thinner, the biscuits will be shorter and take less time to cook and you may end up with more biscuits than will fit in your skillet. If so, just grab a small skillet that will hold a couple of biscuits or cook them on a parchment lined sheet. Don’t worry about it . . they’ll all be delicious
- Cut the biscuits. DO NOT TWIST your cutter. Just mash straight down. I dip my cutter in flour after each cut. SEE NOTE ABOVE ABOUT THE CUTTER I LIKE.
- As you cut them, put the top side down in the melted butter in the skillet, then flip them over so the buttered side is up. Place the biscuits to where they’re almost touching but not quite. I get 7 biscuits from this recipe.
- Bake 12 – 14 minutes til golden brown.
They will keep in the fridge for several days. I will often cut them in half (like I was going to make a sandwich, butter the cut side and toast them in the air fryer. Today I used leftover biscuits for bread crumbs for meatballs. The leftovers are perfect for using with sausage gravy the next morning. There’s so many things you can use leftover biscuits for . . just don’t let them go to waste!
Pat Anderson says
Do you ever make Cinnamon Raisin biscuits like they used to sell at Hardee’s? Those were so good! I’m going to order that biscuit cutter!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
No. I don’t think I ever had one. I need to look for a recipe. Sounds good. I love that cutter. I had never used one but I was making English Muffins with Angie and had not yet unpacked my biscuit cutter set. She showed me the one she has and we used it and I loved it so I ordered myself one.
Cindy F says
Those look amazing! I’m definitely trying this recipe! We like the Blake Biscuits, but like you don’t always have the Pioneer mix and the sour cream. Question, do you put the skillet in the oven while it’s preheating and do you use a 10″ or 12″ skillet?
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I use a 10″ skillet. I heat the skillet on the stove to melt the butter so the skillet is warm-ish when I put the biscuits in but I do not preheat the skillet in the oven.
Cindy F says
Thanks! 🙂
debspups says
Definitely going to make your biscuits – they look delicious! I had the same question – do you a use 10″ or 12″ cast iron pan to bake these in? Also, I assume you preheat the oven? Can’t wait to make these….
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Yes. Preheat the oven. I use a 10″ skillet.
Diane Kummelman says
Judy, made these last night. Absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thank you! I’m always nervous about sharing recipes. I never follow a recipe closely so I’m always happy to hear that they worked for someone else.
Carol Ann says
What does the biscuit cutter look like?
judy.blog@gmail.com says
There’s a link in the blog post and it goes to Amazon. There’s a picture of it there.