Cooper has the biggest feet! I’m betting if I put him up next to a really big breed at this age, Cooper’s feet would be almost the same. I did some googling and I think the measurements of his feet are fairly normal for a Dachshund puppy but his feet are so thick! It doesn’t matter. We’ll love him no matter how big he gets.
But, I found some pictures on the blog of Oscar when he was almost the exact age Cooper is now.

It’s not real easy to compare but I think Oscar was a good bit bitter than Cooper is now.

It’s really hard to compare without them being at least in the same position.

Oscar didn’t have the big feet that Cooper has.

They both have on the same type/brand harness – Oscar’s was blue, Cooper’s is orange but look how tight Oscar’s is and how loose Cooper’s harness is.
To be a mini-dachshund, I think they need to weigh under 11 pounds when grown. I’ve never had one stay under 13 pounds. A Tweenie is between 11 and 16 pounds and a full size is 16 – 32 pounds. Oscar is about 15 pounds right now. I try to keep him at 14 pounds but he’s had extra snacks for behaving with Cooper. If our vet’s office wasn’t always so busy, I’d call and ask them how much Oscar weighed during his puppy visits. It doesn’t matter. We love them both unconditionally.
Do y’all think one of them is bigger than the other in the above photos? I suppose Oscar could have been larger at this age and then Cooper just passes him up. I’m really not concerned about it.
Speaking of dachshunds, this picture popped up on my Facebook memories yesterday.

I sure loved Speck. Life was different back then. When we got him, Chad was in middle school or maybe elementary school. Vince worked at a job where he was gone more than he was home so I spent lots of days home alone and then Chad had activities going on, especially once he got into high school so Speck and I spent LOTS of hours together. He went everywhere with us – Georgia, Louisiana, New York, Vermont, Tennessee, Texas,
Oscar doesn’t stand up like that. I wonder if Cooper starts doing it, if Oscar will try it. I’ve seen Oscar almost do it but not really. Speck would sit there like that the entire time we were eating . . just quietly hoping someone would hand him a bite of our food. Oscar will be two in a couple of months and he does not raise his leg to pee. Both my previous dachshunds did and even Cooper kinda hikes up his leg when he squats. TMI? 🙂 Sorry but don’t you feel more enlightened now?
Pat Anderson says
I sure do! My guess would be that when Cooper starts lifting his leg, Oscar will too…it will be a pee’ing competition….nature of the beast! I didn’t realize Speck’s coloring was so similar to Cooper’s…they are all cute to me! says
I think I mentioned on here before that Oscar wasn’t raising his leg and someone told me some dogs don’t so it will be interesting to see if he does.
I never thought I would love another dog like I loved Speck but . . I do.
Deb E says
I love your posts – always something to laugh about! When we had our two yorkie sisters they BOTH raised their leg when peeing, and even our present female (a terrier) halfway lifts her leg to pee – which was so odd to see female dogs do that! My guess is they had a brother that they saw do that so it must be a learned behavior. Both Cooper and Oscar are beautiful dogs — it’s wonderful to see dogs so well taken care of and happy. So many aren’t and it makes me so sad when I see it. says
I never knew a girl dog would do that! I bet you’re right they saw it and thought it was something they were all supposed to do. Your statement about them being well taken care of made me laugh. Vince and were talking tonight about how they must think we’re awful parents because when they get wild and start getting rough with each other (Oscar pins Cooper down and Cooper starts biting Oscar’s ear hard with those sharp teeth), we separate them in their crates . . time out. Chad always thought we were way too strict and just awful parents and now he’s seeing that sometimes you have to exercise tough love.
Usually the dogs go into the crate about 1:00 p.m. when I go up to get dinner finished. Then we eat about 3 and by the time the kitchen is clean, I’m back downstairs by 4. They play hard from 4 til about 6:30, then they start getting rough and go in the crates for about 30 minutes. Then they come out, calm and play hard for another hour. By then, they’re getting sleepy and grumpy so Vince will put Cooper in his chair. Oscar will sleep by me on the sofa. Exciting nights at our house! 🙂
Denise in PA says
They are both so cute and it’s so nice that they will have each other as playmates! My first Pekingese used to sit straight up like Speck every dinner time. It was so cute. My Peke Lilly (who passed two years ago), nor our current Peke Savannah never does this. We just got a second pup too last week, a Pug who is 5 years old. It’s interesting having two dogs in the house. Savannah is warming up and wants to play (she’s not even 2 yet), but Shea the Pug is not interested yet. We wanted a friend for Savannah and little Shea needed a good home (and is such a little love) so I hope they get to the point where they play together! I’m looking forward to seeing the antics of Oscar and Cooper!