Last night Vince said “Can you get your camera and come take a picture?” Of course, I did.

We would say his name and he would raise his head but then it would just drop back down onto Vince’s arm. He just couldn’t keep his eyes open. The funny thing was . . Vince’s shirt.
Some of you long time readers will remember Vince’s green T-shirts. He got a “deal” on dark, olive green-ish T-shirts and he bought maybe 25 of them. It’s all he wore around the house so every picture I took of Vince, he had on the dark olive green-ish T-shirt . . for years. It became a blog joke. For all the readers knew, Vince had one shirt and wore it every day! The shirts got more and more faded, sometimes torn, sometimes horribly stained. They’re history . . no more dark green T-shirts.
When we lived in Texas, the Walmart in Brady would often have horrible colored T-shirts for $3 each. I think he has at least 10 of these aqua T-shirts. They’re worn so thin and I think at least half are torn to the point that they need to be tossed.
After I looked at the picture, I started laughing and said “Your shirt is torn and it shows!” He said “Tell them the puppy did it.” NO! The puppy did not do it.
pat Edinger says
i thought Rita was the famous dog for Vince . I feel sorry for her I wonder if she even gets held anymore by you or Vince I wish i could have her . says
Pat, if you halfway pay attention to what I write, you would know that (1) Rita does not like to be held and (2) Rita does not like being around Oscar and I’m sure having Cooper around would be more than Rita could handle. She is an elderly dog now and she is happy to sleep most of the day. We do take her outside and walk her for exercise four or five times a day but even that is out of her comfort zone. If you truly want to help a needy pet (which Rita is NOT a needy pet), why don’t you go to a shelter and adopt a dog? Otherwise, I wish you would stop the critical blog comments about our pets.
Suzanne Golden says
Love those kinda shirts. Hate to think how old some are. They are so comfortable. Love the puppy pictures. says
I’m really not complaining – more so laughing. The joke around here is that one my T-shirts that I wear around the house says some kind of festival / 2003. I wear shirts with holes and stains because so much of my time is spent in the kitchen and I’m messy everywhere but really messy in the kitchen.
Nelle Coursey says
Oscar may be your dog, but Cooper is Vince’s dog! Just look at that sweet face, so full of love for his human! Who cares what people wear around the house? It is your house and besides we are not looking at Vince! LOL
Ginny says
When I saw the picture I thought what a cute puppy but I bet he ripped Vince’s shirt. Then I thought about Vince is probably not too happy about that. I am sure glad Vince’s shirt wasn’t ripped by your cutie. You have been so fortunate to be able to get the cutest puppies I have seen in a very long time. I know someone will say all puppies (babies and kittens) are cute and that is true, but these two are especially cute.
Jean says
Loving seeing your new pup. What a sweet face and such a playmate for Oscar and companion for the two of you. Do miss seeing pictures of sweet Rita though. My husband’s work shirts look like Vince’s. White. Get bleached a lot!