Earlier this week I came across a site that had dachshund puppies for sale. One was really cute and I showed it to Vince and was telling him how I felt like if Oscar had a playmate, maybe he wouldn’t be bored and wouldn’t get into so much. I know . . two can be twice the trouble but at some point, they hopefully will play together. That’s what made me write the post asking for your thoughts on two dogs.
Part of Oscar’s need for attention is maybe because Vince and I have played with him almost non-stop since we got him. He has no idea how to play on his own. Maybe dogs never play on their own. I have no idea. Oscar tries so hard to get Rita to play. She has no interest in playing with him and I understand that and we don’t let Oscar aggravate her. Oscar wants to play with Boots. I think Boots would play with him but Oscar plays like a dog and Boots wants to play like a cat. Boots wants to chase feathers and battery operated mice. Oscar wants to play tackle football!
Chad has two dogs and they entertain themselves and aren’t constantly trying to get the humans to play with them. They aren’t dachshunds so who knows.
Vince wasn’t very excited about getting a puppy but I’m with Oscar almost 100% of the time. Vince comes downstairs to watch a ball game or something and Oscar is relentless. Vince ends up spending more time playing with Oscar and has no idea what’s going on in the game so I think he decided a playmate for Oscar might be a good idea.
The first dachshund I found . . the more I researched, the more I realized it was a puppy mill. They had just under 20 females. I feel bad for the dogs but I don’t want a dog out of that environment. I kept looking and yesterday I found this little guy.
Every night I would look for dachshunds within 100 miles of here. I found a couple of sites where breeders can list their dogs it’s all searchable.
Wednesday night I found this little guy!

I’ve loved the black spotted ones since I first saw them and never thought I’d get one.
Wednesday night I wrote the breeder and she sent me her phone number so I called her this morning. I knew this was the puppy I wanted so I asked her if it would be ok if Vince called her. He wasn’t home so when he got home, I showed him the pictures and we talked about it . . the pros and cons. Then he called the lady and talked to her and . . next week we’ll get this little guy.

I can’t wait to meet him! Next week . . I’ll have to wait.
Sibyl says
He is going to be a good addition to your family. Now since you have Oscar, need to name him Mayer. So you have the whole name. 😀
judy.blog@gmail.com says
It would be cute but I don’t know that I like Meyer.
Jean B in PA says
How about Felix? (Just a joke!)
Nelle Coursey says
What a beautiful addition! Oscar is going to love you! How old is this one?
judy.blog@gmail.com says
He’s either 8 or 9 weeks. He was 8 week when I first talked to the girl but I think yesterday he turned 9 weeks.
vivoaks says
He definitely IS cute!! 🙂
Cheryl says
We are doing the same. Finley is getting a baby brother on Sat. She wants to play tackle football with our 12 year old Siamese or wrestle with us 24/7. She’s just bored for doggie attention. But going to the dog park she has caught to awful viruses. Excited to meet Quinn.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Quinn. I like that name! Poor Oscar. He stands around looking for something to get into. I think it’s not so much that he wants to get into things as it is that he knows I’ll jump up to stop him and then he’ll run with whatever he’s grabbed and I’ll chase him. I hope this works out like we hope it will for both of us.
justquiltin says
Looks like an Oliver to me. 🙂 Very cute.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
You may be right! 🙂
Teri says
He is so dang cute…
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We think so. I can’t wait to get him.
Helen, the friendly gal from northeastern Ohio says
Judy, I am so excited for you! A new member of the family for all to enjoy.. I can’t wait to hear what you name this little fellow, and all of the antics that he and Oscar will have.
I’ll be watching for updates!
Sherry Bobak says
He’s so cute! How about Ollie.
Sandi says
He is adorable!! How about Oreo like the cookie. Hugs,
Cilla Hould Tyler says
Take it from me…..you can never have too many Dachshunds. I’m down to 2 now and it feels lonely. Congratulations.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I miss your comments and was wondering if the new puppy would bring you out of hiding. 🙂 Have you moved yet? I know you’re busy but I always love hearing from you and especially your dachshund advice.