We had a bunch of pool noodles in the garage. Of course we did . . we have EVERYTHING! We should play a game on here and every day someone ask me “Do you have THIS?” and see if anyone can come up with ANYTHING we don’t have here. Junk . . mostly worthless clutter but . . it’s here.
I grabbed two pool noodles and a serrated knife and cut them so they fit snugly between the legs of the ottoman.

Perfect! Now I can sit and stitch without having to jump up every 10 seconds, lift the ottoman so Oscar could retrieve his ball.
Oscar was busy playing and I got the downstairs family room dusted. Then I sat down to stitch and before I ever made a stitch, the ball was under the ottoman. Oscar noticed the pool noodles. Those aren’t supposed to be there! He nudged them til they all four were pushed up under the ottoman. He was happy. Nothing strange was in sight. He returned to playing with his ball and almost immediately, it was under the ottoman. I repositioned the pool noodles and as I manipulated them to get them between the legs of the ottoman, Oscar was right behind me shoving them under the ottoman.
Vince said he had some wood and he would build a little “cage” around the ottoman. It only needs to be about 1-1/2″ tall. It can be something really light weight – just tall enough to stop that ball from rolling under there and something Oscar can’t chew up. Wait . . that means we probably need concrete blocks!
Four months and Oscar will be 2 years old. I’m expecting a much calmer dog by December 14.
Speaking of not calm, I am determined that I’m going to be able to cut his nails. I ordered a muzzle. It arrived. I have a nail grinder that doesn’t bother Rita at all. Oscar turns into a crazy dog when I turn it on. Yesterday I gave him a Benadryl, waited about an hour, put the muzzle on him, held him and petted him for a while so he was a bit adjusted to the muzzle. Got the nail trimmer out and he flipped out. I tried holding him, I tried wrapping him in a towel and leaving just one leg exposed (not easy with those short legs) Finally I asked Vince to hold him while I tried the nails. Nope, Vince couldn’t hold him. Vince finally said “Stop! He’s going to hurt himself.”
From the day we brought him home, I played with his feet, massaged them and rubbed between his toes so he would be comfortable with someone messing with his feet. I can sit here all day and play with his feet and that doesn’t bother him at all. Get out a pair of clippers or the grinder and he’s a wild, crazy dog.
Any suggestions?
The best solution I’ve found is just walking a lot on concrete and when he’s really wanting to pull away, I kinda hold back on the leash and it’s like he’s running in place and that helps. His back nails stay pretty short but those front ones grow fast. Oh, how I wish I could just trim his nails.

And just when I think Oscar is about to send me over the edge . . this happens.
montanaclarks says
That’s frustrating! What about a rough grit emery board??
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I can’t touch his nails with anything (nor can I get near his face with a toothbrush). I’ve thought of trying to build some kind of “toy” that he has scratch on to get a treat and using a medium grit sand paper. I don’t know. I hate having to get him sedated for nail trims but . . nails have to be trimmed.
Tracy says
-I saw something recently that was a small ramp covered in sand paper and the dogs had been taught to “dig” on it. Great minds, or desperate ones think a like 🙂
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Thanks for the link. We may try something like that.
Dorothy Matheson says
My daughter has a sling that hangs up. It has a bar that clamps across a table. The dog lays in it with all four feet through a hole in the sling and then she can trim the toes mostly without problem. I finally have my two letting me do their feet. I can only do two feet on the younger dog but the older dog lets me get his. I sit on the couch and hold one of them beside me and I started with one toe and then two toes. Lots of hugs and patting also.
Sorry the pool noodles did not work so well.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
It almost worked!
Sherry Bobak says
I have the same problem with my rat terrier. I tried every different kind of clipper made, but she won’t let me cut her nails. The groomer at the pet store won’t do it any longer because she puts up too much of a fight. I have to take her to the vet but her nails grow so fast she needs to go once a month. Being a senior on a fixed income and no longer driving, I just can’t afford to do it that often.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We go out on our back concrete patio, Oscar is on a leash, and he’s trying to run 90 miles an hour and I hold the leash tight so he can’t run and he’s basically digging in the concrete. That’s helping but I need to do it more often. It is a hassle and it’s expensive to have to take them to the vet each time, plus . . the vets are so busy. I feel like I’m taking time away from their schedule when they could be treating a sick pet.
Sandi says
I have 2 doxies, one I can cut her nails no problem. The other one goes nuts, so I take her to the vet. They say she doesn’t give them any problems. I don’t understand because in everything else she’s so sweet. I’ve had mine a long time. One is 15 and the other is 12. Hugs,
judy.blog@gmail.com says
He definitely gives the vet a problem. They want him sedated (us give him Rx before we leave home) for any future visits.
Edna Gerrans says
I wondered if Vince could just cut or sand a half or quarter inch off the legs? Or perhaps fit some foam underneath the whole thing between the legs?
JustGail says
Keep the grinder with you and turn it on at random times? Or when he’s doing something naughty. Start with a second or two (fast enough he doesn’t have time to react), and gradually increase the time. Fuss over him and throw him a toy or give a treat if he doesn’t react. Do not react to him if/when he freaks out when the grinder is turned on. Make the grinder part of every day life, not just nail trim time.
Raise a huge fuss with treats over Rita when trimming her nails. Maybe Oscar will be jealous enough, or realize good things can happen with nail trimming.
Maybe a few sessions with a professional trainer?
It seems right now, he associates the grinder with bad things like being muzzled, hog tied, immobilized, etc. Not unlike dogs that hate car rides because they only go to the vet, never the dog park. You may never be able to do more than a nail or two at a time, but that would be better than the wresting match battle of the wits and wills you have right now.
Honestly, I have no idea if any of those will work. Just some random off the wall thoughts while avoiding getting anything accomplished myself.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
This was the first time I’ve muzzled him to try to cut his nails and I’ve tried the grinder ever since we got him. He loves to grab an ink pen and try to run off with that but if he’s sitting next to me and the ink pen falls near his feet, he panics. I have kept the grinder beside me on the sofa and he will lay next to it, even nudge it . . so long as it’s off. The toothbrush . . not ever going to be able to get that in his mouth. I’ve tried putting all kinds of tasty treats on it and so far, no luck.
Sandi B says
My neighbors fashioned a sling with leg cutouts from a pillowcase that the put their dachshunds in to trim their nails. The head is inside the pillowcase so they don’t get bit. I’ll see if I can get a picture. He uses a Harbor Freight Dremel type tool.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
This is very similar to a Dremel but it has a little cup that catches the powder from the nails. I’d love to see a picture. Thanks.
nalaxu says
Have you contacted the breeder to see if she has any ideas?
Christina says
hi Judy, finally catching up on emails!! hence why this is late getting to you.
A friend has a pug and squeals like a stuffed pig when its nail time. The husband said one last try, he disappeared into the kitchen , came out ………. with cling film wrapped around his forehead and plastered with peanut butter? Put the pug on the table and leaned forward , clippers in hand. the pug was in heaven licking away at the peanut butter , he didn’t even notice his nails were being clipped. Worked a treat.